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Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 8:20 pm
by Flora2006
michelle85 wrote:I think the lack of energy is because I'm not eating what I should. My diet is pretty limited (a lot of that is because I don't want to eat something that's going to take me forever to clean out). When I take vitamins and iron supplements I feel much better.
I completely agree with you. I sleep so much more now...if I can. I'm always tired and have less energy. I talk less as well just because I find that talking gets my mouth tired.

It's annoying because when I work...I go up to 10 hours without eating anything because there is just no time...(we don't get breaks...we can take a really short one whenever we want...but nothing too long) and then when I get home I'm just too tired to eat and all I want to do is sleep...

How annoying!!! lol At least those braces will really be worthwhile at the end! ;)

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 5:55 am
by akabraces
I don't feel any more tired...still have lots of energy : )


Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 7:42 am
by susieq182
I totally agree! I have been feeling more tired since getting braces. We have to remember that in a way braces are injuring our mouths its only natural for the body to react the way it does when we are hurt we do the best healing while we sleep. The body craves what it needs. it also depends on the time of month I get my adjustments.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 1:55 pm
by texasangel
I have always felt tired probably since I was 30 (I am 44 now), but I think it is because of my sinuses and allergies, but the braces have definitely put a strain on me too. My ears have been ringing/buzzing since last June and that is driving me nuts too. I'm hoping that when the braces come off the ringing ears will go away.
I agree, the constant moving and tightness of our teeth make us tired . . . so hey LET'S ALL TAKE A NAP !!!!!! :-Z Yeah !!!!!

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:09 pm
by lionfish
I'm one of those who's not been affected by braces. I still have plenty of energy. Probably because I eat so darned well! And exercise a lot.

Stewed calamari for dinner.......ah.....sorry, KK, I know you're a vego, but it is really nice, swimming in onion, garlic and tomato, with a touch of chili and fresh lemongrass....yum.

I live to eat.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 11:31 pm
by lionfish
I'll drink to that.

Your kumara et al curry sounds pretty divine. And I love couscous. And laksa...

I'm off now to cook dinner. See ya.