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Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:34 pm
by Flora2006
*!*smilez_of_metal wrote:This should become a sticky...very interesting and true...most orthos rush their patients out before they can ask anything...or some simply some of us realize a question after we have left the office.
lol that's funny. In my case, I'm the one rushing to get ortho always stops me to make sure I have no questions!! When I don't, he always ask whether I'm sure...and that if questions come up, to call him.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:16 pm
by Flora2006
KK wrote:Sounds like you've got a good one Flora! :banana:

I do. I got really lucky. My dentist referred me and I guess he chose an ortho who's VERY nice because he knew how scared I was of doctors...

I really can't complain. I'm lucky my ortho does everything and is so caring. :)

Yours is a great one too. I wish more people had ones like we have ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:14 pm
by missingu
Meryaten wrote: I had an interesting appointment with my ortho - he just got through answering my query about eventual chances of relapse, based on the way he was treating my deep bite. He moved on to the next chair where there was a little slip of a girl all on her own, and he said something like "I'm not going to use springs this time" "why not?" "Because I don't want to" It was precious - this was as much answer as this little sweetie wanted or needed, but (based on how he'd responded to my questions) had her parents been there and asked for a real explanation, I am certain it would have been forthcoming.

I also tend to agree with jennielee81 that it is a shame that more people are not more self-sufficient when it comes to the mundane (non-medical) questions. I try to save my chair-time for questions I can't get answered in places like Archwired.
OK, go ahead and call me contentious or whatever, but...

If that young girl, no matter the age, took the initiative to ask why he was not using springs, I think it is rather inappropriate for an ortho to say, "because I don't want to." The ortho doesn't have to explain in 4th-year-dental-school language, but the girl asked for a reason, so I think she deserved a little more than what she got...something like "the movement I want this month doesn't need them" or "your teeth have moved well so I don't need them this month." Just to brush her off with a patronizing "because I don't want to" probably shut her down, as I know when an ortho speaks that way to me, I don't particularly feel like following up either. No one but that little girl knows if that answer shut her down or satisfied her, for whatever reason she stopped asking and we'll never know if she'll feel safe asking again.

Folks, please remember not everyone has computers or uses the Internet. A number of my colleagues who are in their 50s and 60s who have no need for the Internet professionally do not have a computer at home either. Maybe the ortho could put together a manual on braces care with answers to all the most common questions so people who prefer hardcopy have a good source document. They must hear the same questions over and over so I bet they could develop that pretty quickly, or even document the most repeated ones on a form and have people sign off that they received it. Or a Braces 101 workshop one night a week/month/whatever where people can just drop in and ask questions or have a "support group." Or have a "buddy system" for new patients with braces to give them someone to call first, to resolve the easy questions, then move to the ortho for the more complex. There are lots of ways the information can be passed on, sometimes it just takes creativity.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:23 pm
by ingyandbert
Excellent suggestions all around, Missingu!

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:58 pm
by Flora2006
missingu wrote:
If that young girl, no matter the age, took the initiative to ask why he was not using springs, I think it is rather inappropriate for an ortho to say, "because I don't want to." The ortho doesn't have to explain in 4th-year-dental-school language, but the girl asked for a reason, so I think she deserved a little more than what she got...something like "the movement I want this month doesn't need them" or "your teeth have moved well so I don't need them this month." Just to brush her off with a patronizing "because I don't want to" probably shut her down, as I know when an ortho speaks that way to me, I don't particularly feel like following up either. No one but that little girl knows if that answer shut her down or satisfied her, for whatever reason she stopped asking and we'll never know if she'll feel safe asking again.
I totally agree. If a doctor would respond to me that way it would shut me up. I'd be speechless. That's not a way to give an answer at all.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:57 pm
by lionfish
missingu wrote:
Folks, please remember not everyone has computers or uses the Internet. A number of my colleagues who are in their 50s and 60s who have no need for the Internet professionally do not have a computer at home either. Maybe the ortho could put together a manual on braces care with answers to all the most common questions so people who prefer hardcopy have a good source document.
I was handed a general manual on braces care, how to handle emergencies, etc. after my consult. This was before I'd signed up. After my braces were placed, I was given some more written instructions on care and a demo on how to floss and clean. It was good to have the written stuff in the early days.

Someone said a few posts up that she keeps only the essential questions for her ortho, after having exhausted options on this board. It's like that for me too; I draw enormous support from the board and find that there is very little I actually ask my ortho at appointments. This does not mean to say that I know it all or am disinterested in the progress of my treatment. Far from it.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:56 pm
by JumpTheDitch
I agree with the concept of trying to get answers yourself before going into the ortho's (especially as they all seem to be so darned busy when we're there!) and saving the tough ones for him/her, but I'm afraid this board, while answering a lot of my basic queries, has also given me more and more questions to ask my ortho! :roll:

I didn't really ask any questions at my first consult and had no idea how the whole thing worked. Now that I'm involved, I've got a better idea about what's going on and feel more comfortable about asking questions.

This board has given me so much info on orthodontia and how it works for other people, I've got question after question to ask him about my own treatment! I don't think it's fair for me to have a go at my ortho for not telling me every step he was going to take on my treatment journey though, to be fair I didn't give him any indication I was interested in that I didn't really ask questions. I know that I'm interested, but how was he to know unless I tell him? I do hope he comes up with better answers than "I don't want to" though.

Flora, I think we're all jealous of your ortho, sounds like a real gem! :thumbsup:

I think I'm going to have to schedule a consult...

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:26 am
by JumpTheDitch
Hey Meryaten I agreed with your idea! I think it's great we can not only get our questions answered here but also build a more comprehensive awareness of orthodontia and how it works. I only meant that it was having a snowball (more like avalanche) effect for me, in that the more general stuff I learn, the more specific questions I have for my ortho. Like you said in another post, the more you find out, the more you want to know!

Possibly (or even quite likely if I'm totally honest), this is mostly my fault for not involving myself in my own treatment up to now. I think I didn't ask questions because I wasn't sure if I should be there, given that my ortho problems were bite-related, not obvious crowding, etc. But this is just my opinion based on my experience with my ortho. I'm still jealous of Flora's, and KK's sounds lovely too! Again with the plethora of varying experiences, huh? Please don't send me to Hades! :wink:

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:47 am
by belmikry
I was given a handbook after receiving them which was definately designed for kids- with one page for adults to check off when their child cleans their braces/teeth/etc.... lets just say I"ve learned more about the maintenance of my braces from then my ortho's office- I asked them about electric toothbrushes and they all [the ortho and the assistance] flustered up because they didn't have the answer- then told me the majority of their patients are kids so they were happy if I brushed with anything.

at my last appointment for a broken bracket I talked causally with the assistants after the rebonding. We discussed issues and current events in town, hair and other adult-ish issues [don't ask why hair is in this topic- :lol: i used to be a cosmetologist, so I have a tendancey to branch into this topic with other women] and one of the assistants came out and asked me "why I would get braces as an adult?" THATS RIGHT- my ortho's assistant, not a stranger or a fellow employee, gave me the "why would you do that NOW?" question. After blankly staring at the women who I just handed 5,000 big ones to, I told her I couldn't afford it before and at least now I am willing and able to take this step, and also I am greatful to do something for myself for once.

Now for me, this doesn't sound too professional. I think with the growing number of adults taking the plunge my ortho's office should be trying to please that spectrum of patients as well- not as some weir culture phenomenon. Some members are fortunate to have ortho clinics where other adults roam, but really- mine defiantely reminds me I am an anomaly. Well, not for long- the other assistant is getting braces soon- so maybe she'll feel the burn, so to speak ;)

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:52 am
by missingu
Generally I think issues between two people should be handled off-line, but in this case I am asking for assistance from the forum.

Twice now (within 3 days), someone responding to my posts (responding the their post) has asserted that I 1) "treat them as stupid" or 2) I must "judge them as stupid, too." On both topics we have had differing opinions, but when I post I post for the group, not for a specific person unless I directly address them which I did not do. I may address what they said but that is simply to springboard to my comment, and I cannot understand how my asserting an opposing opinion implies I treat anyone as stupid.

I know I haven't been around as long as a lot of other people, but I need some help what kind of comments a person can make here, because I thought personal attacks were not allowed.

The threads in question are "Viewer Discretion Advised" on Off Topic, comment 9, and this thread, comment 2, p.4 (I think).

All I am asking for is clarification, that's it.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:00 pm
by missingu

I understand the need to be thick skinned, but where is the line between being thick skinned and being accused of making a post where I "am" thinking someone stupid? Name calling is one thing, and challenging my opinion is welcomed, but actually making statements where I am accused of malicious intent (calling stupid is malicious intent to me) crosses the line - I don't think any of us can know what another person is thinking or meaning when they make a post, since all we see is the words.

Also, I'm not following what you're talking about...what is it that I wrote that was aimed at someone and offensive (other than the previous question post). That's why I asked the question, what did I write that was aimed at someone and might be offensive and/or passionate? I commented on the anecdote that was written, based only on the info that was there, so I'm not getting how that is offending anyone (except the ortho, and based on what narrative was there I wasn't real keen on his syle)- I simply responded to what I saw in the narrative - that's all I had to work with.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:25 pm
by belmikry
the biggest disadvantage of message boards is the limited ability to emphasize your wording in a percise manner- lets just say that regardless of the opinions expressed, it is all a misunderstanding, and should very well be solved via PM and not on this particular forum- I think everyone in question was confused or misunderstood, and as such nothing should be held against them- especially since anyone's opinion is justifiable and encouraged on any topic- why else would we have a forum? ;)

lets not all get defensive over it and get back to the topic! :)

Meratyn: it was very shocking to me~Kiwi does have a point although, because we were casually talking- she may have just wanted to ask me a personal opinion on the matter- why I would get them now/etc since I am a small demographic in the orhodontial world- but I must admit I still felt bewildered at this question- as if, shouldn't she be congratulating me for taking the plunge? I'm so used to the support on this forum that when someone related to my orthodontic treatment says something surprising like that, I believe I feel as if they arejudging me, or something negative- I answered the question as neutral as I could, but I still felt a tad hurt that she asked in the first place- almost as if, "shouldn't she know WHY I would want them?" surpirsing anyhoo ;)

kiwi: oh yes- believe me- after talking to them I felt somewhat better about my assistants- sicne as you know, I've had some interesting encounters which have made me feel more of a burden than a wanted client. It's nice to know it isn't personal... Maybe we should all get together and write a revamped version for the orthos ;)

I did mention this site to the assistants, and they were excited to hear I was commmunicating with other adults- and thought it was a good support system- :)

:lol: great to hear about the purple ligs! I wish I could get some now ;) we could start a new fashion trend ;)

"lol: yes yes- cosmetologist- great friends to have! :lol: too bad I can't do much with my own hair- I'm just everyone else's hairdresser >_<