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Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:39 pm
by badteeth
I'm not sure if orthodontic was already invented when I was a child.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:39 pm
by badteeth
I'm not sure if orthodontic was already invented when I was a child.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 10:00 am
by Iceolated

I had space maintainers as a child in preparation for braces; asked my mother the other night why the braces never materialized - she said that they (her and my father) decided they were took expensize.

My they'are any cheaper now :?: ...



Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:07 am
by Melancholyrose
Sounds like money was the major issue in most of the replies to this topic. And I agree with mother was alone most of the time raising 3 girls, so braces were not a priority!

Going back to college after my youngest one started Kindergarten last year (plus a really pushy dentist lol) helped motivate me to FINALLY get braces. I felt weird enough in the classrooms, a 30 year old surrounded by teens and 20somethings, and having crooked teeth and a horrible smile made me feel even worse about myself.

Luckily my hubby (who has very straight teeth, since his parents had more money than mine) has been very supportive. Even though we are living paycheck to paycheck, he has made it a priority to make the payments to the ortho ($200/mo since insurance won't cover adult ortho :( ).

Yay for adults in braces! It's nice to know I'm not the only one! :D

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 1:03 pm
by Dark_angel
I live in the UK so i had free NHS treatment when i was younger, although i am still in my teenage years.

I first had a schwarz expander thing and it wasnt so bad, then i had twin blocks which were completely awful, i couldnt eat with them in and they gave me a terrible lisp. Once the twin block treatment was over i was offered fixed braces at around 11 and i was horrified (although i didnt really know about them or hadnt seen them) so i said no. My overject got progressivley worse so at 15 i was refered to an othodontist who told me i may need my jaw broken (which ruined my 16th birthday) and was refered to the dental hospital in my area.

I had to wait ages for a consult etc and my braces went on about a year and a half after my consult with the first ortho. I was lucky to get my treatment stared before my 18th birthday so i could again have free nhs treatment.


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 9:26 pm
by I_LiKe_PiNAPpLeS
well like many others pay was a problem with me too :(

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:15 am
by Dodger(UK)
Did have removable braces when I was about 12/13, but they stayed that way - removed. :roll: Lost them under the bed, didn't like them at all. Then the years rolled by, I passed into adulthood, and didn't quite have the money behind me to go private, until I was in my mid 20's.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:23 am
by Cultureicons
Well the ortho never said there was any serious need for braces and back then I was pretty happy with my teeth and I was vain and didn't want braces! I so wish I got them back then. He also mentioned elastics to me but never explained them properly, thus me thinking that I was gonna have a little elastic band on every single tooth I'd have to change every day, that put me off the most.

Now I realise that elastics doesn't mean that I decided to go for the plunge. I am still young though.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:57 pm
by loulou123
Thought id add my answer, the reason im 26 and only 6 weeks into treatment is :

I was offered and recommended i have braces put on at aprox 13,but at this time i had a severe phobia of the dentist i used to have to be sedated to have a filling so undrestandably there was no way i was agreeing to complicated orthodontic work, and nothing myMum could do would change my mind.

As i got older i sometimes wished i could have my teeth sorted out as i was very paranoid, but figured it was to late and the cost would be to high.

One day driven by terrible toothache i was forced to go to the dentist and gradually i got over my fears, until i was having a routine filling and my tooth shatterred meaning i needed a immediate extraction, i was terrified but had no choice, things were about to get much worse.

I then contracted MRSA in the extraction site, which spread to the underlying jaw bone, two more teeth had to be removed as a result, and then two small operations to my jaw bone followed, by this point i was strangely getting over my phobia.

On one of my folllow up apointments it was decided i needed to see the orthodontist as having three teeth out had made worse my bite problems and i was now biting together very unevenally.

Luckily i have been able to have all of this done on the NHS as it is medical and not cosmentic, but on the downside i was on the waiting kist for 2 and a half years before the orthodontics started, so here i am at 26 and just getting my braces, god if only i could go back in time! :roll:

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:39 pm
by GatorGirl
I have always wanted Braces...but I come from a family of 5 kids, with one working parent, so there was never enough money for me to get them. At 22, and going through college, I thought now is the time, so whenever I do get married (in the far future) I will have a lovely smile in all my pictures.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:53 pm
by Dramagyrl
I always wanted braces and knew I needed them.
One of my older sisters (I'm the youngest of eight) had them when my parents were together, but then they divorced when I was like 11.
Because the divorce was so messy, I was taken off my dad's dental plan and my mom just couldn't afford it. I got teased when she took me to an orthodontist and he gave his plan, but it never happened.
Now I still don't have ortho coverage, but I'm doing it myself anyway.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 2:53 am
by nimo
My parents never took me to the dentist until I chipped my two front teeth when I was almost 17. Eight or nine trips later (I had a LOT of dental work that needed done) the dentist said I needed braces, but my parents ignored the issue. They could afford it, they had the insurance, I would have given up whatever I had to to get them. But...for me it's just a case of my family being really weird.

So now I'm 26, I've had braces for almost half a year, and I have yet to tell my parents.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:19 am
by Smiley77
Money also.

I have a sister that also needed braces, and Mum and Dad couldn't afford to get us done.

So now I'm 29 and my husband is paying for it all :)

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:48 am
by Iccle_Peanut
My mum always says 'you could have saved some money if you'd have worn your brace' and i wish i had of worn my brace now.
When i was about 12/13ish i went to an ortho and got told i'd wear a removable brace for a while then a fixed brace. My orthodontist was the most evil women ever, probs a good thing though she used to shout at me :oops: didn't help me though.
Well i went into school with this brace on, i had a terrible lisp. I sat down didn't really say much untill i got asked to answer a question. I did and immediatly everyone laughed at my voice. The whole class, including the teacher, sat and asked me to say their choice of words/phrases e.g. 'silly sausages' something like 'sue picks shells at the sea shore' they took the mick out of me rotton. I went through this for about two weeks, non stop, then i took it out and stopped the treatment.
I let these 'bullies' get to me. I wish i hadn't know, i have to pay for treatment when i could have got it free.

So that's why i'm 21 with crooked top teeth :(

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 10:17 am
by rexthedestroyer
Grewing up i didn't even have health insurance much less dental. Before college I don't think I ever went to the dentist. My parent were poor and I don't hold any ill will towards them. They did their best with their three children. I pretty much resent myself for putting it off till I was 28. I should have done it when I was 17 and in college. My school was totally paid for and the money I made while I worked could have gone to having braces. I have had periods since then where I had a lot of money and for some reason choosed to spend it on other things. Now I have a stable job I am able to do it. I have wanted braces since 6th grade.