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Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 7:36 pm
by Evelyn
Almost a week after and everything is still going great. I've been using crest whitestrips to brighten up my smile-they work wonderfully!

I keep seeing new friends and coworkers everyday and honestly I'm shocked at how many of them say right off the bat 'oh my God you got your braces off!' I really didn't think that people would notice, but they really do-even people who I hardly knew. It's so nice to actually get compliments on my smile, it really boosts your confidence since I'm so used to almost hiding my braces.

Lucyloop wrote:Evelyn - I have to ask -How was your first meal and clean WITHOUT the braces?

LUCY xxx
It was great! I went to an Indian restaurant and it was surreal to not have to worry about things stuck in your teeth. I could eat and then talk right after, without being self conscious (sp?).

Honestly, for those of you who are just beginning or those of you who are thinking about getting braces, I absolutely can't stress enough to just do it! Having braces is really not that bad-sure there are some times that are annoying, but life goes on just the same and the time will pass-braces or not. The feeling of having teeth that you are proud of is incredible-the high still hasn't worn off yet, in fact, I don't think it ever will. In the past, I've never been proud of my smile. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't that good either. No one noticed it, I was just one of the crowd. Now that I've had braces, I feel like my smile is my best asset; many times when people are talking to me I can see them looking at my teeth, and it's such a compliment to me that I can feel so proud of my smile.

Do it do it do it-this end high is worth everything.

And for those of you still on the front lines, keep going and stay optimistic-the end result is a smile that's worth it's weight in gold.
