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Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:42 pm
by chevyhuny
Uh.... ya...that's what WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO SAY!!!!!

I think after all this time on Archwired, I can be trusted with my personal experience with Damons. I don't think I've misrepresented them even one time. We're also educated adults.
Maybe someday there will be a nice thread where Damon wearers can talk about our brackets without someone coming in with the politics flag, lecturing, linking, quoting.... etc. I would love to be left to talk about our treatments with each other but unfortunately I doubt that will happen. :?

Oh and my term of "traditional style" was pointed out earlier...
I use that term because when it comes to Damon brackets and those brackets I didn't know the "proper" term to use to decider between the two. I have read on this board where that term was used before, so I used it. If there is a "proper" term for those types of brackets maybe someone could KINDLY point that out to me like an adult so that I don't get quoted and teased again.

Thanks. 8)

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:15 pm
by chevyhuny
Karen, I'm sorry I didn't type that out properly. I didn't mean a separate section for Damon's. I was just talking one post. I understand how they all work and I agree it would be silly to separate Damon's from the others. Sorry about the misunderstanding. :D :D
IMHO traditional refers to all brackets that use ligs (although many of these are newer than any of the other types), which covers many hundreds of brand names, those without ligs I refer to as self ligating ... then there's the more specialised stuff ... like Wilkodontics, Sure Smile and the like.
I feel exactly as you do and that is why I used the term traditional as well. Brackets that use ligs. Since my previous braces were that exact type and I saw that someone else used the term traditional to describe them. I wonder if it was you! :D So thank you for helping me with that, I don't mean to offend anyone with it.

I use the term Damon's for mine becuase that is what they are called by my Ortho, that doesnt mean I feel they are the "perfect for all, above all, best in the world". I just call them Damon's as that is their name. When I make a post I figure people who wear them will know what I am talking about if I call them by name. Especialy when I am asking a question about them.

I hope I have explained that part well. :?: :D

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:42 pm
by chevyhuny
A real bummer about self litigating though is that you don't get to pick out pretty color bands. That is one thing I was excited about when I decided to get braces again.

When I learned that I wouldn't be using them I was bummed. :( Maybe we can magic marker the ceramic parts. :?: :GapToothed:

(kidding of course but it wouldn't be so boring)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:19 am
by overseasmel
Hehehe. Or stick on tiny stickers.....

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:39 am
by Lisa65
maybe somebody can market imitation ligs for Damon wearers :lol:

or there are these......

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:03 am
by jennielee81
bracket jackets, that's funny!!

My ortho tells his teen patients that he can and will put ligs around the brackets under the archwires if they want.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:43 am
by chevyhuny
Lisa65 wrote:maybe somebody can market imitation ligs for Damon wearers :lol:

or there are these......
:lol: Those are too funny.

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Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:02 pm
by drh20s
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