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Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:44 pm
by momof3

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:59 pm
by LynnHowell
Mine cost $5000 + $150 records fee.

Adult braces...$4400 and then an extra $600 because of the ceramic uppers (bad choice for me...I should have went w/ metal). Insurance paid $2000 and I paid the rest.

Worth every cent so far (hoping for no TMJ relapse). :)

ETA: by the way, for those not braced yet, if you're concerned about the price of braces, you should check with your local Orthodontic College/Dental School/you get the idea, (if you have one) because usually they offer really good prices since you're helping them out as well (the students need experience). Just a thought. Funny all the info you come across *after* you're braced.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:13 pm
by LaaLaa
Lynn ~ May I ask you why choosing the upper ceramics wasn't such a good idea? I'm just curious since I've just gotten upper ceramics as well. Thanks :)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:09 pm
by Thomas
$4,600 for 24 months, including the retainers after the braces. Military dental coverage, thanks to my father, covered $1,200. Dad put $1,700 down and asked that the remaining 15 months of $114 statements also be sent to him.

I am incredibly fortunate as the money is coming out of my college fund that my parents set up for me, which thanks to an academic scholarship, has had more than enough cash to pay for school and other things.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:13 am
by vivi21
mine were $4800 my insurance didn't cover nothing put $400 down and 24 months $184 payments

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:49 am
by Naduah82
Mine was $4800 for 18-24 months of treatment time, insurance didn't cover any of it. I paid in full so I got a 10% discount, so I paid $4320.

another canadian

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:53 pm
by bracieb
I think it depends on what you need and who your ortho is, which is affected by where you live.

The 4 of us are each around 5,000, with the twins being the most expensive (headgear and metals), me in the middle somewhere (no headgear, all but 4 ceramic, some inside anchoring appliances top and bottom) and my eldest much cheaper (full ceramic brackets and wires only, short treatment time).

I am grateful none of us needs extractions or surgery :)

We live in Southern Ontario, Canada. I am also grateful that our dual insurance covers it all. Best move we ever made! Both hubby and I subscribe to our respective employers' family health plans. Each covers 50%, with a lifetime max (for each plan) of $4000. We knew the twins would need braces because they sucked their thumbs so long, so we planned ahead and I reinstated my family coverage when I returned to work once the girls were in school full time.

Hope that helps the canadians. :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:02 pm
by MazingerZ
Mine is $7,000 in DC, extraction case, ceramic uppers, estimated treatment time of 18 months though now I'm on the 27th month.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:14 pm
by acehigh
I'm from Manitoba, Canada and am wearing Inovation-C by GAC. The total cost was $4,750.00, but I put out $4,250.00 because I paid in full. The initial exam was $30.00. The x-rays, imprints, and pictures cost me $390.00. (Total cost would be $5,170.00 for the average person paying in installments).


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:05 pm
by NKovaci88
I had my first consultation two weeks ago. My cost is $4,700 for top and bottom ceramics. If my insurance comes through, I'll have to pay $2,700.

I really know nothing about the cost of braces -- what's high/low? I guess that seems about right though, especially considering I'm from NYC.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 10:07 am
by MissDiana
I have ceramic uppers and metal on the bottom, from my dr. on the "main line" in the philly suburbs ... my total cost is $4,580 for everything, inlcuding one set of retainers when I'm all done.

I put $1500 down, and since I'm only supposed to be in braces for a year, I'm making 12 payments of $280 to pay off the rest.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:16 am
by atxjen
So, I am going to end up paying $6100 (Austin, Texas) for mine without the help of insurance! I am 21 and just found out that my insurance doesn't cover orthodontic treatment over the age of 19 :( I have ceramics on top (an extra $250) and metal on bottom. Treatment time is estimated about 18 months-just got started about 9 days ago!!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:59 am
by momof3

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:58 am
by badbite
I live in Central PA. No dental insurance.

3950 for braces
1000 in OS fees (approx.)
3,200 for SARPE (Insurance pays rest -hospital quote of $22,000)

Upper jaw surgery (if insurance pays I will owe about 4,500 if not about $35,000)
bone graft , 5,000? (I lost this tooth due to my bad bite)
implant, 2,500?

So if insurance helps with the upper Jaw surgery I will put in about 20,000 -21,000.

If insurance doesn't, I will pay over $50,000.

We on;y make about $38,00 a year. I can't believe I am doing this! Also my DH and all three kids need braces.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:58 am
by badbite
Sorry -double post