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Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:09 pm
by newmetal
Meryaten wrote:Congrats, new - if it's a troll, you're playing into its hands. Bravo. I'll say no more - as I said either a troll, or an ungrateful and foolish child. Not worth more of my time either way. And most definitely not worth getting into a fight over with well-intentioned people here.
I doubt its a troll, they havnt said anything to provoke arguments, it seems people on here have done that. This bloke has simply said he doesnt think he needs braces and posted a pic of his teeth, you lot then went on to say he was ungrateful and all this bull. You have no grounds to call eazy an ungrateful foolish child? When i was younger i rejected free braces because i didnt think i needed them..what grounds do you have to call him an ungrateful child? You lot on here need to calm it down a bit and remember this is a place to discuss braces not all follow the same view and experience.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:11 pm
by Lisa65
Not thinking "I'm not sure I need or want braces, I don't think I'll get them put on" beforehand seems pretty foolish to me........

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:17 pm
by Carolinahigh12
Is it the discomfort of the braces? The style of the braces? Or just braces period? I mean, you went through the whole process of consultation, xrays, possible spacers and now you dont want them. Is it something else that is making you uncomfortable with the braces?

Guys, we must remember also that some people get ceramic uppers so that people won't NOTICE that they have braces... He might be going through an image thing right now!!! Plus, majority of us are adults...this thread is not going that way right now. Don't let words on a computer fluff your feathers!!!! Laugh about it and move on!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:19 pm
by newmetal
Carolinahigh12 wrote:EazyE---
Is it the discomfort of the braces? The style of the braces? Or just braces period? I mean, you went through the whole process of consultation, xrays, possible spacers and now you dont want them. Is it something else that is making you uncomfortable with the braces?

Guys, we must remember also that some people get ceramic uppers so that people won't NOTICE that they have braces... He might be going through an image thing right now!!! Plus, majority of us are adults...this thread is not going that way right now. Don't let words on a computer fluff your feathers!!!! Laugh about it and move on!!!
Good on you carolinahigh, good to see someone else can see this thread of name calling is silly

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:33 pm
by dugsmom
I have a tooth like that and I never thought it was a problem. I finally went to the Ortho so that i can have my bottom teeth straightened. The Ortho took one look at that tooth and told me that I'd loose it in 10years because of the where it was. He told me that when I eat food rubs against the gum (where the crooked tooth is) and it'll eventually wear away the tissue which would cause me to loose that tooth and the one next to it!! I don't know how old you are but since I'm old (29) they can't just move it back with brace since the bone is too hard. I was told that they didn't want to risk it...that if they tried to move it now that I could lose it. I waited too long. The Ortho gave me 2 options
Option 1: this one is the one he recommended. get upper jaw surgery to corrected it. I also have a cross bite.
Option 2:get that crooked tooth pulled and the matching one on the other side pulled then I'd have to wear braces to get the teeth pulled forward. I am missing two bottom molars so those would be pulled forward also.

I decided on option 1. I haven't had the surgery yet. I was told that if I would've gotten the braces sooner I wouldn't have had to get surgery. The braces would've done the job.

If I were you, I'd stick with it. It's worth it!!


Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:36 pm
by Carolinahigh12
I am a newbie to this site, and some of you got me wondering if I should even post anything to the forum.

I wanted my son to come and read some information on some of the forums because him and I may start treatment together, but I think I may wait and refer him to a teen site as a "read only" .. Kids say things out of fustration and so do adults.

The information that is up here is only advice and should not be anything personal against you, but on the other had, nothing personal against ANYONE on the site. We are all connected by a common thread, and I thought that thread wasn't the one that we are calling names on!!!

I respect all the people on this site, regardless of age, but because of the courage that you had to make a dramatic change in our lives. WE should respect someone who may have doubts, because I have just started on my ortho journey and it has been plenty of times that I have wanted to back out.

Invest positivity and you will be showered with positive returns!!!

:HugeGrin: Once again I am a newbie, but that is just my thought on the whole thing!!!! I am done now :)

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:38 pm
by newmetal
Carolinahigh12 wrote:I am a newbie to this site, and some of you got me wondering if I should even post anything to the forum.

I wanted my son to come and read some information on some of the forums because him and I may start treatment together, but I think I may wait and refer him to a teen site as a "read only" .. Kids say things out of fustration and so do adults.

The information that is up here is only advice and should not be anything personal against you, but on the other had, nothing personal against ANYONE on the site. We are all connected by a common thread, and I thought that thread wasn't the one that we are calling names on!!!

I respect all the people on this site, regardless of age, but because of the courage that you had to make a dramatic change in our lives. WE should respect someone who may have doubts, because I have just started on my ortho journey and it has been plenty of times that I have wanted to back out.

Invest positivity and you will be showered with positive returns!!!

:HugeGrin: Once again I am a newbie, but that is just my thought on the whole thing!!!! I am done now :)
Well done carolinahigh, i agree with you the abuse shown in this post inst the best representitive of the archwire forum, but its not usually this judgemental and abusive.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:28 pm
by newmetal
Meryaten wrote:
Two months after the introduction of the new dental contract, orthodontic waiting lists in some parts of the country are soaring while specialists with new practices are being forced out of the NHS. The areas of the UK where it has always been hardest for children to get specialist treatment to straighten crowded or protruding teeth remain the worst served.

Orthodontics is being limited in four ways:

~ The criteria have been altered, so that only those patients who most need treatment will be eligible
~ Primary Care Trusts are providing orthodontists with contracts which curtail the growth of NHS orthodontic provision. No matter how many patients they are able and willing to treat, the contracts limit the number of children who can have braces.
~ New practices and recently qualified specialists are being given contracts which will not cover their running costs – they must go private or go bankrupt
~ Some dentists who formerly provided orthodontics to less complex cases have been given purely dental contracts to boost access to basic dental care.

It’s estimated that the new criteria (The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need) will reduce the number of children treated by up to 20 per cent. Meanwhile, those who do qualify for treatment may find they are on a waiting list of several years. The British Orthodontic Society is unhappy about the way the system is being implemented, with no priority given to the most deprived areas of the UK. In some parts of the country, only the lucky children whose names are near the top of the list will get treatment at the optimum age, if at all.
So due to the poor state of our nhs, a teen that decides that braces are not for them once they have them should be berated on a braces support forum where he went for support? You have the ethos of this forum wrong meryaten, check over the rules mate.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:44 pm
by Delag
Here is my .02.... Part of this comes down to character. It takes a certain kind of person to take a difficult situation and make the best of it. It isn't easy and it is a learned skill. I think Easy needs to decide what kind of person he is at this point in his life. It if perfectly acceptable to take the easy way out and get the braces off - it is his choice. I would hope that he takes this as a chance to grow in maturity - learn to suck it up and stick to something even though he doesn't want to.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:50 pm
by newmetal
Meryaten wrote:
So due to the poor state of our nhs, a teen that decides that braces are not for them once they have them should be berated on a braces support forum where he went for support? You have the ethos of this forum wrong meryaten, check over the rules mate.
When you've spent even 1/10 as much time trying to help people here as I have, you might have room to tell me I don't get the ethos of these forums.

The above quote illustrates two points:

1. Many other people would be grateful to get the opportunity he has, and that's just bl00dy sad.

2. Free orthodontic treatment on the NHS would not have been offered to EZE did he not need it, as per The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need. Any opinion that orthodontic treatment is not medically indicated is therefore merely based on lack of expertise.

Frankly though, I think if he remains so against treatment, EZE should indeed have his braces off - free that chair time for someone who does want to correct their bite, and is willing to work with the doc to that end.

Btw - I also think it's odd that someone who doesn't think they need braces, despite at least one tooth that is malposed to such an extent that it is obvious to anyone, at the same time worries for their smile enough to want whitening treatment.

Do you honestly think this advice is constructive in anyway, you have resorted to using retorts that would be seen in a playground. Re- address the ethos of this forum, you may have offered helpful advice to forumers in the past but it does not qualify you to chuck abuse at new ones who are doubting their brace choice.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:02 pm
by newmetal
[quote="Meryaten"]If he's still dead set against them by his next appointment, then it's doubtful if that will change. In that case, I do think taking them off is right, because it's doubtful that such an antagonistic patient will comply well with treatment, meaning it is likely to run longer and be less successful in the end. That serves nobody. Orthodontic treatment requires committment on the part of the patient as well as the doc. So yes, I do feel that is reasonable advice.[/quote
Btw - I also think it's odd that someone who doesn't think they need braces, despite at least one tooth that is malposed to such an extent that it is obvious to anyone, at the same time worries for their smile enough to want whitening treatment]
This isnt a bit of advice, its rude...and dont talk for everybody because i hadn't noticed the "malposed tooth".

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:09 pm
by Kodius Champion
Don't forget to take the [quote="Username" ] part out of your posts :?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:16 pm
by jennielee81
I wish that my parents had forced me to get braces as a teen. You can see from my pix below that things were BAD when I finally got braces (at 42).

When I was a teen, my teeth weren't that bad...they keep moving.

However, as a parent of a son who had braces...went through the process...didn't care...didn't wear retainers...he will be doing it again when he's an adult as his teeth have migrated to new places. I wish I'd not spent $5,000 on that. My daugher's each were $4,500 and all is good (so far) with them.

I agree with so many on here who've advised that you wait a while (I say over a month) to decide if you want them off. They tend to become less and less obnoxious over time. :wink:

I HATED mine when I got them, cried a few times even. But before I knew it I was done and it WAS SO WORTH IT!!!

From what I've seen from your pictures, I think you should go through with it and get your teeth fixed now. There is more than just the 2 teeth that need addressing You won't regret it! You asked if we thought you should have gotten braces...look at the brackets, they're tilted and twisted and the wire is sloping and down. When the brackets are straight and the wire is straight, your teeth are aligned. (unless you've got bends for prescriptive reasons)

Just my 2 cents..... :idea:

Good luck to you!! :D

My 2 cents

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:35 pm
by skyclad
Eazy E,
I understand you may be second guessing your braces. That happens.

You will have good days and bad days, everyone does.

Take it easy and think about your decision for at least a month before you do anything. Make a list of pros and cons. Talk to your parents and ortho about why you do or do not want your braces.

It's okay to have doubts but when you make your final decision, make an educated decision. You will feel better about it later if you do your homework first.

Best of luck in your situation.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:15 am
by jalapeno
Since you're so sure you don't need them just have them taken off. Sorted!