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Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 9:45 pm
by OldBikerBag
Eating has become a disgusting necessity for life. Even my favorite foods are no longer enjoyable.

Good thing I have weight to spare.

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 12:10 pm
by Jerseygirl
I eat anything I want - but I avoid very sticky or super hard things. Everything gets cut up - I don't bite into anything.
But pretty much anything can be eaten. Just takes me longer.

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 12:37 pm
by Mylene
My dentist gave me a long list of no-no foods, and I have been abiding by the list because I don't want to break anything and somehow prolong the orthodontic treatment. It's bad, though - I already have a not-so-healthy meal planned as soon as I'm debraced:
1. Nachos (I really miss chips and salsa!!!)
2. Popcorn
3. Klondike Choco Taco (damn you TV commercials)

After getting braced I realized most of the foods I enjoy eating are now off-limits - nuts, chips, crunchy fruits, hard veggies, etc., and it's been a weird transition to eat softer foods. I just hope my ortho is right, and I won't need braces for longer than a year, although I'm psychologically preparing myself for two years, just in case...

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 7:26 pm
by yogapaws
I was making a very long mental list of all the food I USE to eat on a regular basis... Managed to eat a fish burrito with a knife & fork on Saturday. That was exciting.
Just got home from the orthodontist- my lower back molars are banded. Eating dinner was difficult and my jaw is sore. Will probably be a soup and applesauce week.

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:00 am
by xanidu2012
OldBikerBag I hear you and right along with you. I have finally re-learned how to eat and while I have to chew very slow I've managed to kinda/sorta enjoy what I eat for the moment. I tried to eat a bite size pretzel, yea right that didn't feel too good so gave that up. But I did manage a cheeseburger. I cut it up but it took me a while to eat it. I remember when I could just wolf down a cheesburger and fries I look back and just laugh. :) Yogapaws don't feel bad my next adjustment is just a little bit away and I too will be back on that soft diet so I'm trying to eat all I can at this moment in time :) And to all who are eating exactly what they want good for you :jump: I want to be part of that club real soon :lol:

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 12:17 pm
by Jerseygirl
Ya know what my biggest issue/gripe/rant is?

I can't chew with my darn mouth closed! :-+ It is very difficult for me to chew as my bite is totally wacked. Well it always was but now it is really shifting. Like every day. I have two missing molars on the bottom and now one very loose bottom tooth that has really moved since i got braced. It is the fourth from front bottom tooth and I know I had one bottom tooth pulled as a kid - so all total with wisdom tooth on bottom right I have 6 teeth. But one can't be touched.

Anyway - chewing with mouth shut is very hard and sometimes I feel like i will choke on my food because there isn't enough darn room in my mouth to chew it properly - I take very small bites but still when your hungry and trying not to take an hour to eat you tend to put more in and sometimes it's too much.

I feel like my mouth is so full with brackets, adding food in there is difficult. :-=

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:09 pm
by xanidu2012
Jerseygirl I know exactly how you feel. If I chew with mouth closed I bite the insides of jaw and it feels like the top teeth/bands hit the bottom teeth/bands. I chew with mouth open then I look like a cow chewing cud so needless to say my eating out at restaurants has come to a complete stop. Just hang in there. We're here when you need to rant. We're here for you :)

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:07 am
by OldBikerBag
Well. I was chewing on a piece of chicken...okay, I lied. I was digging a piece of chicken from between my cheek and gum with my tongue...(I hate that feeling like I'm a squirrel with my cheeks full of nuts) ...but I digress... I felt a couple of little hard pieces in my mouth and thought I might have some bits of bone from the chicken. So I worked the two little pieces to the front of my mouth and removed them, and threw them out the window of my truck. Well, maybe one of them was a piece of bone. The other was the bracket off my lower right first molar. *sheepish grin*

I have a naked tooth. At least until Monday, anyway, when I can get back up to my home area and get that bracket replaced. The gal on the other end of the line didn't seem too excited about it, so I guess I won't be, either. It's just irritating, is all.

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:52 am
by Jerseygirl
Thanks for understanding girls! :)
I have yet to dine out in public at all since I've been braced. I figure if I do, it will be soup or maybe pasta.
The easiest thing for me to eat - oatmeal! But hey - there is always liquids, like WINE!

Biker-girl --- sorry about your bracket loss. Hang in there! I'm betting that will happen to me at some point too. What happens to the end of your wire? Or is the bracket between two brackets so no end of wire is poking you? I hope that is at least the case for you.

Your description of the food getting caught - I can totally relate. I always try to fish it out with my tongue - unless I am home. Nothing better than taking your finger and clearing out the food that gets caught above my upper brackets while i am eating! LOL!!

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:43 am
by OldBikerBag
The wire end is resting against the side of my tooth. It's not poking me at all.

Regarding eating out: Napkins are your friend. I have a hard time chewing with my mouth closed, too. I hold a napkin in front of my mouth to keep the "gross" factor to a minimum and to keep food from falling out of my mouth. Sometimes, I feel like such a three year old! Heh...

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 1:36 pm
by xanidu2012
Oh no OldBikerBag :( sorry to hear that but just like Jerseygirl said its bound to happen to us all :lol: . I've got to put sandwiches on my no no list :( . Even though I cut it in small pieces it got all hung up in wires/brackets/buttons and of course I pushed with tongue and bent wire. Oh well. Went to ortho he said no harm done. Whew! Sometimes I wish my braces were like the old days (1970's) where all teeth had bands :lol: and I didn't have to be as "careful". Wonder what else id going to end up on my list? Hope everybody having a brace wonderful day/evening

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:10 pm
by nifer237
HA, my how times have changed...At the end of my treatment and I've chowed on Doritos, popcorn, gum and Tootsie Rolls. I am just very careful.

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:07 pm
by xanidu2012
Tootsie rolls hmmmmm that sounds so good. I've got a ways to go before I can indulge :lol:

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:23 am
by newbrace24
I don't have brackets on my back molars so I use those teeth to eat anything hard. I still eat almonds, apples, and chips, albeit very carefully.

The only two times my brackets have broken was 1. when I bit into a warm, soft cookie fresh from the oven (go figure), and 2. when I was just standing there and it popped off.

Re: Foods you try to get away with having braces...

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:15 pm
by PS101
Totally understand OldBikerBag on the "disgusting necessity"! Eating has lost almost all of its luster for me as well.

I bought a juicer because I can't live without fresh, raw veggies in the summer...I am only on day 3 of 6 month smile.

My bite is totally off. Next week I am going to a barbeque festival, I am hoping things improve or I figure out how to chew by then. I will definitely try to get away with eating barbeque next week.

So sad!