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Re: Mouthwash!

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 10:46 am
by OldBikerBag
Your writing style brings me to the conclusion you are domiciled in one of the English speaking nations besides the US. Phos-Flur may go by a different name in the other countries. The acticve ingredient (of course) is Sodium Fluoride 4.4mg. One of the other ingredients is phosphoric acid. I suppose if you find a mouthwash made by Colgate specifically for people with braces and has these two ingredients in it, you have hit pay dirt.

Good luck to you in your quest.

Re: Mouthwash!

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:55 am
by xanidu2012
No I live in Columbus, Georgia and I actually found the Colgate phos-flur of all places on post at the Px :lol: who would have thought. I even found the proxabrush now I know exactly where to go for dental needs. :)