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Re: Braces at 55

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 8:05 pm
by vyvyen
YAY no reaction to the two brackets glued on my back teeth :D . Full set of braces go on next Tuesday. I had a bottom very crooked front tooth removed and it is not a very nice look having a gap in the front of your mouth :( . Thank you again for the support. x

Re: Braces at 55

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 8:54 pm
by Gerib
Congrats Vy! That gap will close quickly. :flowerbloom: :GapToothed: :paperbag:

Re: Braces at 55

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 5:37 am
by vyvyen
My braces are ON :D

Re: Braces at 55

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 8:39 pm
by parsleysage
Congrats!!! Hope you don't have too much discomfort over the next few days.

Re: Braces at 55

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 8:44 pm
by Nozzelnut
Congrats! Every journey starts with the first step.

I had my uppers put on today too.

Re: Braces at 55

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 5:59 am
by SunshineRay
Congrats on being braced! You will be really glad you stuck with it. Hopefully the front gap closes soon and you start loving your smile. :D

Re: Braces at 55

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 6:11 pm
by Lorianne
How's it going the past 24 hours? Yes, it hurts the first few days, week, but the pain and soreness go away, don't worry.

Re: Braces at 55

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 1:05 am
by vyvyen
Hello and thanks for the support. Yep it's actually not too bad, teeth are a little tender and inside mouth a bit sore but using the wax helps. I've even been out to breakfast and had scrambled eggs which I could just slide down lol. Still feel very embarrassed when I'm speaking to people, my Hubby said 'you can't even notice' think he's telling fibs, everyone has noticed :oops: So glad I'm on this journey with you other lovely people, couldn't do it without you. :BigTeethGrin:

HELP PLEASE - how do I do one of these 'tickers' I'm useless on computers and just can't figure it out.

Re: Braces at 55

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 1:24 am
by vyvyen

Re: Braces at 55

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 1:28 am
by Ciara
vyvyen wrote:Image

Nice ticker!!! It does get better and most people are so focused on themselves that they don't notice...I know they seem huge and we all have the "how could anyone not notice these" but that feeling goes away pretty quickly. Hang in there!

Re: Braces at 55

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 1:50 am
by vyvyen
Hello, yeah mouth is getting a little worse every day, must use more wax :soremouth: I so wish no-one would notice my braces but everyone does. Maybe when my teeth aren't sticking out so much it will be better. Cheers, xx

Sorry but how do I add my selected ticker to my posts??? Still don't know what I'm doing sorry.

Re: Braces at 55

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 12:04 pm
by redwine
Best thing I ever did was NOT use wax! I rinsed with saltwater a lot, and in the evenings I add a bit of hydrogen pyroxide to my waterpik. The insides of my mouth toughened up quickly. My tech told me about that trick and it certainly worked for me. PS - I'm almost 58!

Re: Braces at 55

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 2:53 am
by vyvyen
Well it has now been three months into wearing braces. I seriously must be the only old 55 yo person where I live in braces :oops: I am amazed at how quickly your teeth straighten into a straight line (no more sticking out teeth), BUT I have a huge over bight and I suppose that is going to take ages to sort out. I still have a dreadful gap in the front on the bottom which looks awful though and it seems to be getting bigger. I have now got a rectangular wire on and apparently will be developing more gaps and teeth may stick out even more :oops: . Will be so glad when this is over.