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Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:41 pm
by jfriend33
Hallelujah! Plans changed! Top 6 bonded. Finally! Only bottom tads btied with elastomeric to intrude. Top buccal and palatal tied with steel.

Go back in 4 weeks. Retie.

4 weeks later remove lower lingual holding arch bond lower braces.

Then elastics to correct midline.


No eta on treatment duration.

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:55 pm
by rebecca121760
Woo hoo!! Looking good! So happy for you!!!!!!

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:31 pm
by jfriend33
rebecca121760 wrote:Woo hoo!! Looking good! So happy for you!!!!!!
Well thank you. I would have to say even if things ended today, my teeth would be so much healthier. Less chance of more crowns/root canals as so many of my molars make contact.

I am going to make a gamble and say I will be in full braces for another year. We also discussed at completion, the option of bonding permanent retainers upper and lower, remove front braces, and ensure proper stability. I thought that sounded really good.

I am trying to decide how much filing I want done on my teeth when everything is closed. I kinda like the shape of my teeth, and they will wear on their own anyway. Probably will leave the baby bumps!

I did notice one thing though. Kinda strange. My ligatures have always been tied in figure 8s to avoid the archwire sliding too much. That was when I only had back braces. When I got home I realized he did them in a figure 8 on the front. To me, that would cause a lot more friction and resistance against the archwire. Hmm.

I did make a funny joke. When they asked what colors I wanted, I said, oh I think I will go with clear, to go with the clear front braces. LOL the assitant and the dr looked like they saw a ghost it was so funny! (didnt want clear nor was offered clear as an option).

They also said acceledent is useless for my case. And that a waterpik is also not really needed at all because of my excellent hygiene. It would not help staining at all. But I did say I was super interested in buying the oralb 5000 model off ebay (has brush heads specific for braces, earphone thingy, tons of features). They used to be like 200 and have seen them sell fairly often for 60-80. I have like 5 heads left though from my oralb rechargable 3d white brush...Guess I will just save those for debonding!

Hope everyone is doing well and is learning something new today in the wonderful world of orthodontics!

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:17 am
by jfriend33
First thing, if you have braces, get on eBay and find the Oral B ortho essentials pack. Has the 5000 model an 3 brush heads under $60. The clock guide is awesome too. It removed 95% off my coffee stains too! I sniped an auction and paid $55 with shipping. The brush itself is on sale for $60 but it doesn't include the 2 ortho heads which cost $6-$12 ea depending where they're from.

Anyway tomorrow I'm going in for my ligature change. I also had one lower left buccal tad come out and my upper left buccal tad is loose. Hoping they can just give it a half a turn tighter, but they did that last time...

Tomorrow they are also adjusting my lower lingual holding arch and lowering the spikes. Then next month lower braces.

I know tonsils shrink with age but my tonsils are almost gone in just 16 months after learning how to breathe and proper tongue posture. Thank you myofunctional therapy!

Here is my latest photo, things are really straight up front but my upper front six teeth are still on a slightly higher plane than the molars. I wouldn't be surprised if they start using elastics next month to address my midline.

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:52 pm
by Bri20
Thanks so much for sharing your journey! I just joined the forum, so I can't see any of your photos yet, but it's been really helpful reading your experience. I'm going to the the orthodontist this week for a consultation to fix my open bite.

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:26 pm
by jfriend33
At chi wawa. Finally I'm in pain. Holy jezebel my mouth is sore!!!

Two sizes up on archwire, and as I predicted and requested, powerchain!

Replaced left upper and lower buccal tads.

Next visit remove, adjust, and replace lower lingual holding arch, bond rest of the lower braces, and raise the tads higher for more pull.

I am having ensure for supper.

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:14 am
by rebecca121760
:roll: oh geez. Poor guy. Ouch!!! However, I stand amazed by your progress! Beautiful. Slower might be better. Hugs from Missouri.

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 5:53 pm
by jfriend33
Hmm...not sure what is going on here. Either its the powerchain, bigger archwire, or combination of both. My front right tooth has turned slightly and the archwire is not even into the bracet..its running right through where it should be, just above the path. The only thing pulling on it is the ligature/powerchain. This was not turned this way before with a smaller wire. Guess I will give it a few days and if by next week its still turned I will call in. I dont remember ever having teeth off a wire like this, but then again...back then they didnt skip steps in archwires, they went up one at a time. Now they skip up as high as they can as long as it fits.

It feels so good to have this much sensitivity. I know that sounds crazy lol. Before front braces I was in no pain, no pressure ever, and they kept telling me, oh its because you are so motivated for treatment, your perception of pain is a little different. Well not this visit, everything feels great, tight, a little tender to the touch. I know that sounds weird but I am just ready to keep things moving!

Been chewing gently on sugarless gum, has helped immensely with the pain, was told by both docs to do this too, in moderation.

Been brushing carefully by tads, rinsing with chlorahex. Its really not that bad and amazing how well a little tylenol and gum can help.

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:23 am
by jfriend33
Had a TAD come loose last Friday. Cut the tie and used a sewing needle and gave it 3/4 of a turn. Retied with dental floss and a regular elastic. They were impressed with my repair job. Lol.

Relocated upper right buccal TAD higher, switched to 8mm implant length (all my others are 6mm). And instead of tying with elastomeric thread per my suggestion niti coil springs were used instead! They also replaced my one I cut with springs as well! Super difficult to attach to my unitek tads without o ring and cap. But she got it done. 2 weeks go back, remove adjust and rebond lower lingual holding arch, bond 6 front lower braces, and complete all TAD attachments with matching Springs for longer lasting force. We are hoping to start off with a full sized titanium square archwire on the bottom.

Just realized my upper wires used to have steps in the back. They even cut through my molar bands' archwire hole and it has to be tied manually. Wondering if I should ask about steps and if they should step all 4 again? Anyone have experience with this?

Saw my hi Def before treatment photos and I was happy with the progress. They seem not concerned with my molar misalignment and slight cross bite and claim that is easy to fix later. Oh and my two top front teeth they went over the power chain with a clear lig in a figure eight pattern. Teeth were instantly straight!

Anyway. I will say sometimes it's frustrating. My whole configuration is way different than 20 yrs ago. My appointments then were zip zap fast, and now a days they are usually 2 hours. It took 1 hour yesterday just to tie 2 Springs... Curious to see if they can tie 4 more and bond the arch and 6 braces in 2 hours!!!

Wondering since these Springs have longer lasting force if they are gonna get picky and not change them every time? I would like to think with technology they could just install a hook to the archwire and loop it over the tad, and tie it once... But no... Steel wire ties at all three corners! Poke central! Anyway Springs don't hurt much. Little irritation! Molar sure hurts which is a great sign of added force!!

Hope yall are doing well and get inspired to battle your open bites without surgery!

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:59 pm
by jfriend33
Hello folks out in ortho land!

Today's appt was simple. Replaced another screw but went longer. Doc said it's strangers why so many of mine fail and his other patients maybe only 2 have failed.

Also tied Springs up top on left side to match the right they did 2 weeks ago.

They remixed my spikes on my lower lingual holding arch as my upper teeth were getting injured from it. Next visit they will remove the tongue tamer brackets so when I eventually bite down I don't make contact with them.

They also bonded my lower front teeth, skipped a niti wire per my request. So now the lower arch is 3 segments. Will become 1 continuous next month.

Also they are done intruding my lower molars for now. Just focusing on the uppers and aligning my bite!

Life is good.

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 3:18 am
by jfriend33
Another 2 week update. Don't go back for two more weeks. Things are moving along. You can see from my photos there is some new opening up front that will be corrected when they attach my lower archwires together. It is totally strange to touch teeth have never touched. Tongue reminder brackets are coming off! Also they are removing my lower arch!
Things are still awesome, haven't looked this good in years! Loving the new longer screws. Will get exact length. Dr thought it was strange so many of required replreplacement but really they do fail it's just part of the process. Prevents pilot holes and extended removal / install procedures. My niti coil springs are working so well! Glad I suggested them!

Does make me glad how much they listen. I just hope the good work continues without any hiccups.

U guys think I should shape my teeth? I don't think I will. They will wear down on their own. I love that my teeth look natural.

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:04 pm
by jfriend33
Just checkin' in! Was a bit busy so did not post after my last appointment. Things are moving well! They decided to keep the lower arch for now and also placed niti springs on the lower buccal sides per my request! (much easier this way as these springs last 3 appointments).

I can't remember who it was here but they had really great success in closing their bite and their brackets on their upper front 6 teeth were placed more gingivally. I believe that would cause an extrusive force on those teeth while having an opposite effect of intrusion on the posterior teeth. I would also like to explore reverse curve archwires.

It is quite hilarious though. Hearing them say that my case is "fun". Don't think I have ever heard any medical professional say that before. Some of my ideas are probably rubbish. Most of them are just regurgitated medical journal cases.

They are going to attempt to over correct the open bite in the long run. My two reminder brackets on my front upper teeth are coming off. The glue will be left behind, and roughed up a little just as a transitional precaution. And, first week of december, I start elastics.

This concerns me a little bit. Most of the studies I have read, they over corrected the open bite in the front. Once the molar intrusion was done and tads removed, then they used elastics on the posterior teeth briefly. I have not seen any cases where a person had my setup with tads PLUS the force of elastics. It seems like pulling in too many directions, plus it would pull up on my back lower molars that they intruded. They are doing upper k9 to lower k9 to lower molar triangular pattern if that makes any sense. I have only seen them do 1 then the other, not both. Thoughts?

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:40 pm
by jfriend33
Well this is essentially my 1 year in braces. Although I really only had them on my back teeth for the better part of half of 2015.

I have been wearing Impala 3/16" 6oz x-heavy elastics for a few weeks. Hopefully this will start to correct my midline and also push things along with the open bite. These suckers are pretty tight compared to what I wore decades ago. They were 1/4" 6.5 oz heavy I believe.

I was enjoying my visits every 6 weeks but now I have to go every 4 weeks or less.

Still have my doubts on this progress. I am a firm believer that they should have done more molar intrusion to the point it over corrected my open bite and then closed the new posterior open bite after TAD removal. But I am probably just paranoid and comparing myself to more extreme cases. They did said they want my upper front teeth to come down because with age our face will begin to sag. That was weird to hear.

Meeting with a SLP-CCC COM (certified oral myologist) next month. Just to check in and make sure my facial muscle tone, tongue posture, lip closure, all of that is perfect. Because we all know if its not perfect my teeth will relapse.

Seems like every appointment I go to they say the next one they will be removing my lower lingual holding arch, then they decide not to. All the spurs are removed and its been adjusted so it does not stick out so much. Tongue is a little sore as my palatal TADs are not in use and therefor stick out more than I'm used to.

It is nice to have more teeth touching. Kind of a weird feeling. Ready for these tooth bumps to start wearing off on their own a little bit. Happy Holidays!

Also, do not get white ligatures! I ate some tomatillo soup and it stained them a weird yellowish green color! I had to brush my teeth 5 times to get rid of the staining. Here is a pic of my festive ties:

Also, chlorahex mouth wash is satanic! It stained my teeth so bad I had to get them cleaned twice in 3 months! I thought all the staining was from coffee! NOPE!

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 8:00 pm
by jfriend33
Wow. Amazing what a month a difference can make. I mean not a huge change in teeth movement...but today they basically said that my braces are off in June. Uh... OK!

Lower lingual holding arch, REMOVED
Lower buccal TADs, REMOVED

only have two tads left on upper buccals.

I cant believe it!

But would think have only been in braces since december 2014... yes... that is true...however my journey started in june or july 2014 with tongue tamers and finishing therapy, etc. Funny that if it is indeed June 2015 I will in essence only have full braces for one year. But I have technically had my posterior braces for one year today. 6 months for the others I think.

I asked ortho about over correcting open bite, and they said that is not good with tongue habit, can be really hard to fix. He assured me to relax, there are 1000 different ways to treat with long as retention is in check. Will be getting permanent retainers and hawleys, both for top and bottom. Discusses bracket repositioning for the visit after next. Told him in all actuality my midline does NOT have to be perfect. If we can close the bite evenly on left side, and as a whole another few mm's, I dont care about that.

Got my waterflosser waterpik new model for christmas. What a awesome contraption that is. I used it so much the first night I bled LOL.

Question: what are the pros and cons of midline? Increased treatment length? The issue here is I find out my dr is graduating in June. I'd still have the familiar faculty member to deal with, no problem, but If this ends up being me dealing with a new person for 6 months to correct my midline, is it worth it if my cost is no different?

Re: Anterior open bite, retreating 20 yrs later, intro and ?

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:43 pm
by jfriend33
Well I think I may have to call the office. My side that is more closed down, the right, that canine is hitting my lower archwire. Is that something I need to worry about? I am thinking I should maybe wear elastics on that side less?

Also I have done some more reading and most of the articles have stated that when treating open bite cases it is never wise to use class 2 elastics. It can cause lower molars to extrude....well low and behold, my left side is starting to look worse.... I hope this is only temporary.

Other than that things look pretty good

Any other open bite cases out there care to chime in, when you were nearing the end of your treatment, how level did your archwires look? my upper archwire still looks curved up towards the front, I hope this will level out in the next few months.

Lets take a vote! Should I have my mammelons filed down? The net says its wise for folks under 40 to not do it and preserve their enamel. When my braces are off should I keep them?