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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:39 am
by Dark_angel
In comparison to most of you guys i am still young. However i wish i had gone through with treatment when i was about 9. I had twin blocks and the option was to either end the treatment as no further progression could have been made or have fixed braces which i was horrified about. I chose to end the treatment and have regretted it since. If i had had them now i wouldnt be stuck in this situation now.

However if i had fixed braces when i was 9 I would still have probably needed them now as i wouldnt have worn my retainers and my hygeine then was really bad. I have just started cleaning and brushing properly since i had the braces on. Im hoping i can prevent further cavities and perhaps take the yellow tinge off my teeth.

It will be about my 19th birthday by the time i have my braces off so for my birthday i want my teeth whitened.