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Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:10 pm
by mindykatz
My braces go on on June 7th in the a.m. (eastern standard time). Damons on top and bottom as far as I know - they never mentioned using anything but Damons! I got all 4 wisdoms extracted plus 2 other extractions 4 weeks ago, and spacers 1 week ago!

Good luck to everyone with June B-Days! :tingrin:

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:15 pm
by Pixel Witch
Ready for tomorrow, June 7 people? :D GOOD LUCK!

And Meryaten - good luck to you tomorrow as well!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:35 pm
by mindykatz
totally ready! let's get this over with, lol!! :HugeGrin:

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:40 pm
by annabanana
I got my braces put back on yesterday. The second time around isn't so bad thus far... :)

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:54 pm
by Dimples
Have a great brace day pixel witch, seriously, and anyone else who is getting braced tommorrow!!!
Looks like i'm all by myself on friday. My clinic just called about an hour ago to remind me of my appointment. :D

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:50 am
by artsyalice
Well, mine are on! I still can't believe I went through with it! I got ceramic uppers and metal lowers. The braces aren't as bad as I thought they would's this darn bite plate that has me a bit miserable. At least i can take it out though. I still haven't eaten since they were put on...but I'll need to soon. Definitely nervous about that...bite plates are not fun...consider yourself lucky if you don't have one!

So how are the rest of you doing?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:21 am
by Dimples
Hey alice!

I go in for mine tommorrow at 10 am. What is the bite plate for?

Hope you feel better.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:34 am
by Pixel Witch
I finished about an hour ago, made a pit stop at the store for about 500 cans of soup and spaghetti-o's (hehe) and am now sitting here attempting to eat some ramen. I think I'm getting the hang of it :D

Not sore yet, but I will probably be later!

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:51 am
by skintz
I got mine put on today-metal on both upper and lower. I'm all achey but i'm hoping the aching won't last too long :(


Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:44 pm
by artsyalice
way to go Pixel Witch and skintz! hopefully the soreness stays at bay!

A bite plate is like a retainer that you wear when you have a bad overbite. Since my upper teeth completely cover my lower, I would knock off my bottom brackets if I bite down. I have to wear the bite plate so that doesn't happen, but eating becomes hard because you can't really bite down all the way to chew your food.

I just ate a bean and cheese was okay. It took a long time and I ended up swallowing more than I chewed, but overall it was okay. I'm not in pain yet, but starting to "feel" my teeth.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:52 pm
by Pixel Witch
way to go Pixel Witch and skintz! hopefully the soreness stays at bay!

A bite plate is like a retainer that you wear when you have a bad overbite. Since my upper teeth completely cover my lower, I would knock off my bottom brackets if I bite down. I have to wear the bite plate so that doesn't happen, but eating becomes hard because you can't really bite down all the way to chew your food.

I just ate a bean and cheese was okay. It took a long time and I ended up swallowing more than I chewed, but overall it was okay. I'm not in pain yet, but starting to "feel" my teeth.
My front teeth are the same way when I bite down, but I didn't get anything extra. I asked the ortho about it, but I guess because of the way my mouth naturally sits while relaxed I should be ok.

I had a bit of a problem trying to eat my noodles I ate for lunch because I was convinced I would chomp down on the lower brackets and knock them off (it took an HOUR, LOL!) but I adjusted quickly. I am SO glad I don't have cement or a bite plate, it sounds irritating.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:14 pm
by Dimples
alice I hope you feel better. Here's to you adjusting quickly to your bite plate!!!

Skintz I hope you feel better too. Thats what i'm worried about, being achy. I have some 600 mg ibuprophren i got from the doctor. Hopefully I won't have to use it.

Way to go pixel witch!!!

So, does anybody have any details? How did it go??? How long did it take?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:59 pm
by sashafeelgood
By 5:00 PST it'll be 24 hours for me!! I went to the store and got ice cream and spaghetti oos but remembered what people say about chewing as soon as possible. I went to lunch today at a thai restaurant and ordered pad thai. The noodles were tricky and at one point, I found it quite funny that a noodle had stubbornly clung to one of my back brackets no matter how hard I tried to release it. I didn't eat a lot but I was proud of myself. Fast forward 2 hours later and I have completely DEVOURED (heheh very slowly devoured) my pad thai. It ached a bit but it was fun to chew on my back molars. I'm really proud of myself! I think you just have to push yourself to do it and it'll get easier.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:34 pm
by platinum
My front teeth are the same way when I bite down, but I didn't get anything extra. I asked the ortho about it, but I guess because of the way my mouth naturally sits while relaxed I should be ok.
I have a removable bite plate, which I wear only nights ( I should wear it all the time, but.....). I learned to not to bite down and when relaxed my teeth do not touch each other. I have bad lisp when I wear my bite plate. i did wear it reliously for one month but then I gave up.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:08 am
by artsyalice
I had a bean and cheese burrito for lunch went pretty well, but took forever to eat. For dinner all I could handle was soup and yogurt. I had a protein shake for breakfast and will have another with some soup for lunch. I'll be more adventurous with dinner - in the privacy of my own home. :D

I'm too scared to take out the bite plate for too long as I'm not used to the braces yet. I'll wear it less over time I'm sure, but there is no way I could eat without it! I'm at work today though and hate the way it makes me sound when I talk. At least I can take it out if I need to.

I'm glad everyone else here seems to be doing well so far! The braces really aren't that bad. I'm not in too much pain...although brushing this morning was pretty painful. Let's all try and get some pics up this weekend!