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Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 4:14 pm
1. Where are you located? TACOMA, WA
2. How much are you paying for your braces? PAID 1500
3. What kind of braces do you have? METAL
4. What is your estimated time in braces? 2 YRS

1. Where are you located? TACOMA, WA - BRACING IN PUYALLUP, WA
2. How much are you paying for your braces? PAYING 6255
3. What kind of braces do you have? METAL,
4. What is your estimated time in braces? 2 YRS

HIS OFFICE IS SOOOO ADVANCED COMPARED TO MINE! I went with him to his consultation, and everything is digital! I'm in awe. But I think I'd rather pay my 1500 and be old school, rather than his 6255. But his case is a little more severe than mine.

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 1:48 pm
by jadestar
1. Location: Florida
2. Price: $2200 (with insurance and discount for paying in advance)
3. Type: Metal
4. Time Estimated: 18 months

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:15 pm
by Theresa48
3500, ceramic tops, metal bottoms, insurance kicked in half.
500 pre braces stuff I had to take care of, filling and baby tooth removal
200 in tooth brush and water pic

who knows how much it will REALLY be in the end...I'm finding this could get more expensive, especially if they have to take out wisdom teeth :(

I have 2 years, today is my 5th day...

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:05 pm
by felicia
I never expected so many people to respond to this topic.

Re: what's the cost of your braces?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:40 pm
by tashacash
1. Where are you located? Ottawa, Ontario Canada
2. How much are you paying for your braces? $6000 cnd
3. What kind of braces do you have? self-ligating metal top and bottom
4. What is your estimated time in braces? 20 months

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:55 pm
by schoolhousepunkrock!
1. Richmond, VA

2. $4500 total. Insurance pays $2K, I paid the other $2500. Got a discount for paying up front with my flex account and getting my kid's braces at the same time.

3. Traditional metal

4. 2 1/2 years originally, might actually be a little less now :D

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:42 pm
by HHKiwi
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Price: NZ$6500 (about US$4600) or NZ$7000 for full ICE.
Time:18-24 months
Type: ICE on top and standard metal lowers

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:30 am
by bracesrox
1. Tulsa, OK
2. $5,300
3. Radiance (clear extra $500) Top, Metal Bottoms
4. 18-24 months.
Consults were $7,000, $4,750 and what I went with $5,300 (including the $500)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:01 pm
by Dejenise
1. Tacoma, WA
2. $7,100 - discount of 2600 then my insurance pays half of 4500. I pay the rest on monthly payments
3. I have clear ceramic on top and metal on the bottom
4. Time on 30-36 months


Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:16 pm
by sadpanda
1. Where are you located? Cleveland, OH, USA
2. How much are you paying for your braces? $5000, but I'm on a payment plan that will only take me about 2 years to pay off, so it's ok
3. What kind of braces do you have? traditional metal braces, upper and lower
4. What is your estimated time in braces? 2 yrs.


I love my braces!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:56 pm
by PrincessKia
1. Location: Florida (US)
2. Cost: $3200 --insurance max $1000 I pay remainder. But I make all payments and insurance reimburse me directly.
3. Braces: Metal
4: Treatment Length: 18 Months

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:34 pm
by GeenBug
1. Where are you located? Canada
2. How much are you paying for your braces? $6500
3. What kind of braces do you have? Metal
4. What is your estimated time in braces? 18-24 months

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:49 pm
by sparkx
1. Where are you located? Seoul, South Korea
2. How much are you paying for your braces? $4000 USD
3. What kind of braces do you have? Ceramic
4. What is your estimated time in braces? 12-18 months

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:06 am
by relientKitten
1. Where are you located?
Portland, Oregon

2. How much are you paying for your braces?
$3,300; insurance covered $1,500 and I used a medical loan for the remainder; last payment was last month!

3. What kind of braces do you have? (ceramic, metal)

4. What is your estimated time in braces?
Who knows? Hahahaha.

I'm having mine done at OHSU's Dental School. Each visit takes a bit longer because of having work checked and inquired about with instructors, but it's worth it due to the cost savings. My Ortho-in-training is *awesome* and it's kind of nice knowing that I'm helping with her future as much as she is helping with mine.

The best part is that the fee covers *everything* except extractions; I didn't have to pay extra when they decided to put in TADs. I'd certainly recommend it if you're willing to be a bit more patient.

No idea on time frame because they're trying to see how things align over time; I didn't get bottoms until a year after I had tops put on. :/

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:37 pm
by jackjack
Oxnard, California
All metal
18-24 months; Will be debraced on month 24!