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Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:17 am
by DrBlur
ashesgap wrote:Actually silver is. It matches the brackets...unless your getting ceramics, then clear or pearl.
I'm getting metal...I had heard silver makes the brackets look huge and that white would blend in with the you're saying silver is the least obvious? I'm a 30 yr old man so obviously I don't want colors, I want them to be as unobtrusive as possible!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:39 am
by Lela
Silver or smoke would be best.
I had white once on my clear brackets and it sticks out like a sore thumb :lol: I'm not sure if it would be as bad on metal brackets, but I wouldn't risk it on uppers. Maybe test the white out on the bottom brackets first if you really wanted to try it. Bottoms are not as visible so you can get away with more on them.
I liked the medium pinks on my metal brackets as they blend in well with lips and gums, but being a guy, that might not be very appealing :P
I stuck to silver, smoke and the pinks for my entire treatment. Boring maybe, but I think of braces as more of a medical device then a fashion accessory and wanted to keep them understated 8)

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:52 am
by DrBlur
Well then I will go with silver (at least to start). 8)

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:51 am
by kilikena311
I didn't like the silver on my metal brackets. To me, it does make them just look bigger. My favorite is light blue. I currently have light blue powerchains across the entire top arch and the bottom front 6. It's the least visible of the colors that I've tried, though I've never tried white or clear. My ortho office puts silver on adults unless you tell them otherwise though. The color that I absolutely hated was green. Also the chains/ligs that my ortho uses don't seem to stain or fade. I don't eat curry though and I hear that stains everything. :D I usually let my 5 year old pick my colors since I'm not working right now and she usually picks pink, blue or yellow. All of which are nice.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:02 am
by Boohill
I actually have silver now and they were my favorite. I dont think they make my brackets look bigger at all. Like kilikena311, I usually let my 5 year old pick my colors and she wants me to get purple so Im going today for my adjustment and Im going to get lavender on top and purple on the bottom. What do you think?

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:42 am
by DrBlur
^well that's good to know about the silver ligs, I think I will get those next week!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:43 am
by Boohill
I will definitely be doing silver again!!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:44 am
by retainerjoe
blue green yellow an red are all great colors

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:19 pm
by ashesgap
For my first color i had the assistant put the bottom ligs on first. That way i could see them and decide if i was ok with that color on top too. I went with metallic red....sparkly burgundy is what they look like. But if you go through the pages on here you'll find someone with silver...if i see it i'll post the page number.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:26 pm
by ashesgap
Pg. 9 its the second or third pic down, you can click on it, she has them labled. And Pg. 16 has a very good pic of the silver ligs on the bottom metals.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:29 pm
by DrBlur
Yeah silver looks best for me, IMO

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:46 pm
by tsmurfenator
retainerjoe wrote:way to go . i 'll use as many colors as i can , but i realy don't think i'll be doing pink any time soon :pinkbraces:
I think pink is actually one of the most inconspicuous colors you can get, on both girls & guys. The reason is because the inside of the mouth is pink, so it looks very natural. It is a very subtle color and looks fantastic. I probably would not do it again, though, because it is kind of boring.

Currently I have orange on top which is also inconspicuous.

The colors which stick out the most are colors which are not naturally found in the mouth, such as blue, green, and black.

I started with silver(gray) - I agree that it makes brackets look bigger, more metallic. That is not a problem for me since I like the look.

I'm going in for an appointment this week, and I'm planning to give "glow in the dark" a whirl. :D That'll make me stand out from the crowds during the nighttime.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:59 pm
by tsmurfenator
P.S. most people when they talk only their top teeth show, or only their bottom teeth show.

You can use to your advantage and put wild & crazy colors on your bottom teeth if they don't show much, and then something more conservative on your top teeth (or vice versa as appropriate). So I think I will go with "glow in the dark" on top, and then full rainbow on the bottom.
Lig colors are way too much fun.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:56 pm
by I love my teeth
I think the silver make the brackets look larger as well, but they don't stain at all, that's a bonus! I also went with a lavender/rose color, which faded within a week or so, and were almost nonexistant. I have had tooth colored as well, they stain a bit, but are usually OK for about 4 weeks, they blend in nicely. Now I have silver powerchains on the top---but they really don't look silver, they look more smokey, almost white and are very inconspicuous, and don't stain. I am switching my top 8 to ice braces in 2 weeks, the assistant said we could go clear, white, or smoke ligs--she said we could try them all out and see which I liked best.

I like the most inconspicuous look possible :D

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:43 am
by catgyrl
Oh, the irony...

This thread kept me entertained for HOURS thinking of what cool colored ligs I could get. Turns out I end up with Damon SL metal that don't need ligs after all. :roll: They said they'd put them on for me if I wanted them, but only on the front four teeth so there wouldn't be too much friction. Well... I think that would look a bit strange, so I guess I'm sticking with my shiny metal, and will live vicariously through all of you.