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Problems with Brace Eze?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:09 pm
by TracyJean
:x Has anyone else had problems with Brace Eze? I'd heard such wonderful things about it, so I ordered a tube before my braces were even put on. But when I received the tube, I couldn't even squeeze anything out of it - the product seems to be sticking to the insides of the tube and no matter how much or how hard I squeeze, all I do is exercise my fingers. I called and complained and they offered to send me another tube, free of charge. I received the second tube today and the exact same thing happened. I am so mad and frustrated that I spent money on this product that did not live up to its billing.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:56 pm
by Brandyleigh35
We used a ton of this, I ordered a total of 6 tubes. A couple of them were a bit dryer and harder to get out but I just assumed that it was due to being in the cold for so long in the mail. We actually found the stuff that was a bit dryer to work better even though it was sorta tough to get out of the tube. One tube we got was very wet and sticky, you couldn't even get it off your fingers little lone put it on your brackets.

It seems from our experience that the product seems to be a bit inconsistent in texture. I would call and complain again and tell them that others have reported problems with it also. When you get it out, it really does work well, much better than wax we thought (thus why we ordered so many) but getting a good tube can be a bit of a challenge it seems. :cry:


Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:40 pm
by mtbrncofn
Could I ask what Brace Eze is?

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:01 am
by Brandyleigh35
Its a silicone type stuff that is used in place of wax. It coat brackets, or archwires and stays on like glue. You can eat with it without it coming off etc. It is not sticky but smooth and soothing to you skin. My son and I really liked it, it was much better than wax we thought for coating brackets when your mouth is sore. It is spendy, but stays on really really well, even through food, so you end up using a lot less than you would use in comparison to wax.

You can find a link to the website on the dental do dads I think or one of those.


Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:28 am
by mtbrncofn
Well that sounds very interesting. I could have used it a time or ten it seems. Now I'm at the end though.

Thanks for the info, Brandy!

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:49 am
by LizzyG
I ordered a tube of Brace-eze and had the same problem, it was really hard to squeeze out of the tube. I didn't like using it at all, I much prefer traditional wax.