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Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:46 pm
by Luis818
I have had my braces for about 2 weeks now. I have a really bad canker sore in the back of my throat. Its really painful every time my throat gets dry thats when it seems to hurt the most. I bought Colgate Orabase it seems to be helping some what. My concern is that I dont understand why the sore is on my throat wich is no wear near my braces and not on my cheeks, lips or gums. Has anybody experience a canker sore on the throat. The only thing i could think that might of caused this is when I brush my back molers the tooth brush bristles might rub against my throat and irritate the tissue back there. :?: :?:

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:58 am
by ebjones1
You should use Glyoxide. It's an oral rinse that works absolute wonders.. You can usually find it in the drugstore with the other oral hygiene products. It comes in a little blue and white box, and is usually about 8.00 USD. It's made to heal canker sores, etc. I swear my this stuff. :D

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:11 am
by texasangel

I'm the queen of canker sores. Yes, I've had them on the back of my throat. A few months ago I had one on that "thing that hangs down" in the back of your throat - the 'uvala' I believe is what it is called. Boy did that hurt !!
Yes, Orabase is good if you can keep it stuck on your throat for a while. Use a Q-tip and you can stick it where you want.
I use Biotene mouthwash - it's over the counter and it seems to help a little. Also take L-Lysine supplements.
I have tried the Glyoxide but not in a long time - next time I will. Also I have read that stress causes them too. I have plenty of that !!

Good Luck !

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 9:22 am
by Way Too Old For This
I am the Queen MOTHER of canker sores, and my daughter is the Princess! My last go round with them I tried this and it relieved the pain and seemed to make them go away faster.

Use antacids. Like PeptoBismol or Rolaids. My sores were in the front so I first cleaned them with Glyoxide (but that hurts a lot), then put Pepto on them with a Q-tip. But I've read that you can use the chewable antacids for hard to reach canker sores.

Some of the products that numb the sores seem to irritate them and make them take longer to heal.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:01 pm
by Luis818
Thank you all for your answers I will take into consideration all your suggestions

Thank you once again
Luis :D

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:32 pm
by Raspberry
I had sores at the back of my throat a few weeks ago, so did a few of my friends. It was part of a cold that was going around. They hurt like heck!
Amosan is a good rince you can use that makes them feel better, but it tastes bad.

I find warm salt water works the best to heal them.
Drink warm drinks too, that sooths them.

I'm up there in the Canker sore Monarchy!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:17 pm
by Xcentric
If there is a canker sore club, then I think that I qualify. I have only been braces for a short period of time but I get one or two a week now. When the sore is right below my lower canines, it hurts the worst. I just hope I don't have to deal with this for the next two and a half year.