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its all very permanent....

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:54 am
by blueberry
well i had my 4 extractions today and it went fine, although im sure this will turn into a rant as my dentist is a real b@....d!
i was so nervous and when i asked stupidly i know, if he knew which teeth he was taking out sort of as a joke, he gave me a real dirty look and said YES in a really horrible way. he is not a nice man.
then he had already prepared the needle i think as it shocked me when he held it up, in shock i put my hand to my mouth and he got reaslly annoyed, and said "this is not a playground, we are adults here and while your here you must act like one, im not messing around here if you dont want this doing ill stop now" i said im sorry i was just shocked.. (a little bkground info here, i hate needle i havent got a phobia just really uncomfy with them you should see the state of me when i have to get a blood test i get shaky and im just really nervous) so then he said in a snide way "well what were you expecting?" i know he was right but its the way he said it it just made me really uncomforable and just not want to be there and i was proud of myself for being so calm, it might seem childish of me i just felt like cry, not coz of the needle or anything like that just coz of the was he was speaking to me, really demeaning. andyway he got on with it and injected the numbing thig, after about 5 mins he stabbed a short point on a stick into my inside gum and ragged it around, and i mean ragged my head was shaking, it really hurt thre nu,b wasnt good enough i nearly hit the ceiling!!! the outside was totally numb so he put some more on the inside and it was fine, the first tooth practically slid out! i thought this is ok. The same happend with the second bottom one (first premolar) he hurt my gum again ragging it abuot, now where he did the testing its really itchy! Anyway the tops were a loittle harder to pull out, no pain at all and i wasnt even that scared just not very nice, the last top one (second premolar) made a REALLY loud snap sound i could have fainted! it was a tiny little shard of my tooth root, but ill tell you what it felt like it snapped in half, well sounded like anyway i couldnt feel a thing, he thought it was ok to leave it in as it was such a minute piece ill finish later

Re: its all very permanent....

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 9:16 am
by Way Too Old For This
That sounds like a simply horrible experience.
blueberry wrote:"this is not a playground, we are adults here and while your here you must act like one, im not messing around here if you dont want this doing ill stop now"
When he said that I think I would have walked out. I don't put up with rude medical 'professionals', whether it be the doctors or their staff. There are too many to choose from to be uncomfortable. I have changed several doctors in the last year, including my dentist because of rude behavior.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 9:43 am
by Flora2006
I have to agree, you are NOT supposed to be treated this way...especially from a person who's in a profession where he is well aware that so many people fear the dentist. Have you been with him long? Can' t you find another dentist? My dentist is a sweety, he refuses to show me the needle and always jokes around to relax me. He even sings a bit before lol. You should not have to put with something like that.

Anyhow, I hope those extractions are healing well and that you are feeling better :)

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:28 am
by Kell
What an awful experience. I can't believe he spoke to you like that. Definitely find another dentist.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:03 pm
by shinyam
What a di**. You should have gotten up and left. There is no reason to put up with that kind of treatment. Sorry you had to go through that.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:19 pm
by nimo
That's completely ridiculous. I would never go back to someone like that.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:54 pm
by dena
you should feel perfectly fine about looking for another dentist. i have had bad experiences with dentists in the past, though not that bad, and having one that i really like now (especially during the braces experience) is important.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:18 pm
by ssfw
I agree with the other posts.

Why would you put up with that? If a person knows a patient has this type of fear or he should have asked you prior to the appt., they should have offered you some meds to relax you and whether you chose to/not to go that route you should have been spoken to in a polite manner. Not sure if this was an oral surgeon or your regular dentist. If it is your regular dentist, you need to find a new one. Who referred you to this person? Whoever it was, you need to tell that person about how rude and unprofessional he is.

There are alot of other dentists/oral surgeons available and happy to help you.


Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:20 pm
by ingyandbert
I'd find a new dentist IMMEDIATELY! There is no excuse for his attitude and he certainly was not doing his job properly if you were feeling the sensations you described during the procedure. I would not go back to him ever again and if you do then don't be surprised if your experience is bad again.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:07 pm
by lesdents

You need a different dentist! Lots of people are nervous about needles, and any decent dentist should understand that fear and help you feel comfortable. I swear I would've kicked him in the face!

You should print out this list of comments and tell him, "See - I'm not the only one who thinks that was an awful thing to say. You need further training in dealing with patients' needs."

The nerve! You're paying him to provide a service and to do it nicely. I'd like to see what would happen to me if I responded like that to a customer at the library where I work!!

Anyway, may the rest of your treatment be better!

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:13 pm
by Missingorigin
Wow! ! ! !

You have a MEAn Dentist. My dentist are always sooo freaken nice. I would of walked out. I would of felt like crying too if that would of happened to me.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:41 am
by blueberry
thank you everyone for your replies. he really was nasty i didnt exaggerate at all his attitude really made me want to cry, so i felt really stupid coz of that but i fought it back, the actualy extraction went fine. Moving to another dentist really isnt an option, as im in the uk, and most dental practices around where i live are going private now, and we cant afford to pay monthly insurance or probably the fees of just a check up or anything if something bad happens! so im stuck with him coz im on the nhs, but its ok, i hardly ever see him, and you dont go to the dentist for tea cakes and a nice chat, although he could have made me more comfortable considering the operation i was going to have, even my mam doesnt like him but theres nothing we can do. As far as i can see he is a good dentist, so putting up with the attitude is ok, im glad my ortho is lovely and friendly as ill be seeing him more. it wasnt just a bad day for him, unless we always go when he is having a bad day. i think i was more weepy coz id had a bad morning too. when i told my fiance he went mad and wanted to call up but i thought its best just to leave it, im not injured or hurt (well a little sore today) but he did a good job so...

anyway im just looking forward to april now and ill put that nasty man behind me and move on to sorting me out some straight teeth!
thanks everyone for the support it was a nasty experience i hope no-one else has a dentist like mine, especially if your nervous or easily offended!
