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The Art of Smiling

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:14 am
by Leslie022
Before being braced, I perfected this special half-smile. Only on rare occasion, usually a big laugh, did I show my teeth. Like in old animated Disney movies, when the character (usually in love) would have a cute little smile and look up at their partner with these big eyes...that was me. Funny, I know. Let me get to the point.... I have found that it is so much easier just to flash a huge smile and show my teeth than it is to try to give a little grin. The effort it takes to cover my braces just isn't worth it. Not to mention how stupid I look! I've also found that I am so much <b>happier</b> when I smile and don't worry about what my teeth look like.

So let's all :pinkbraces: and be happy!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:32 am
by Kell
I smile really big and show almost every tooth in my mouth :) I went to an event about 3 weeks ago and for about a minute I tried not to smile so big. It was impossible for me to smile or even talk while trying to hide my braces. I went back to smiling big.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:35 am
by michael33
KK wrote:Leslie I totally agree!

I think the worst 'smiles' are those when people are trying to hide their braces ... it's so obvious what they're doing ... it would just be easier not to bother!

I'm with you ... smile and let the world know we're happy ... or know something they don't know! :wink: :dance: :banana:
really? I never thought about that.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:38 am
by Gel
Totally sefconscious before braces was I, now I want the whole world to see that I do care what my smile looks like. I can't stop smiling most of the time I am so happy my teeth are being straightened. Happy, happy happy. I agree with KK, let the world see it!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:22 am
by Flora2006
I still try to hide my braces because i am still self-conscious about them...but i agree...trying to hide he braces doesn't work...the brackets always show a bit. Very annoying lol.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:48 pm
by godawgs
it's hard sometimes, right, how your lip sometimes gets stuck on a bracket as you start to smile.

even with my horrible teeth i always smile and laugh big. for me, i'm fine with the braces, but i'm still SOOO self conscious about smiling big with my gigantic extraction gaps.