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What moves the midline?

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:43 am
by freya333
hi guys

just a quickie - my bottom midline is 3mm out - how does it move around to become central, is it the elastics?

Cos if so, i've had mine on for a few weeks now and can't see anything moving, in fact i've not even had any descomfort (except in the first few days and even then it was only the two teeth that the elastics were attached to on the top!)


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:45 am
by freya333
sorry - typo - discomfort of course!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:08 am
by JumpTheDitch
Hey freya333,

I'm far from an expert on all things bracial (that's my new adjective for the day!) since this is all new to me but I asked that same question at my ortho's last week. Don't quote me on this but apparently it depends on whether it's the top arch that's out or the bottom arch (so one of the orthos told me anyway).

I don't know how it works in other cases (seeing everyone's case is so different) but for my situation (extraction gaps to close in the upper arch), they would take the degree of malaligned midline into account, and adjust their power chain usage accordingly. So they'd pull one side back more than the other to even it up, culminating in a centred midline.

If it's the bottom arch that's squiff, apparently that's where elastics come in. My "squiffness" is in the lower arch, so elastics are apparently in my future, along with power chains for extraction gaps in the top.

I'm not too sure how it all works if it's your upper arch that's off-centre, but you don't have extraction gaps to close; maybe that's one for the docs!

Good luck with your elastics! :)

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:24 am
by Kell
I can't answer your question but I have been wondering that myself. My midline was okay before I had braces put on and not the top is way off from where it was. My midline has shifted to the left a lot. It was the braces that moved it in the first place so I am thinking that in my case it can be fixed again with just the braces. I'm sure it all depends on the patient.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:48 pm
by adollface
I might be able to help but again no expert here. My upper midline was off and I had no extraction. It was corrected with just elastics. It took some time (2 1/2 months). It's a slow process I think.

Damon 2's top and bottom
braced 12-16-04

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:27 am
by brandee987
My midline was okay before I had braces put on and not the top is way off from where it was. My midline has shifted to the left a lot.
Kell This is me too!! My top midine was perfect now its off about 3 mm to the left.. I hate looking at my off midline.. I mentioned at my appt and they put a powerchain on the front 4 teeth but I do not see how that will correct the midline.... I am gonna ask next time I go in again! :)

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:57 am
by kirst1583
My midline is almost fixed (not sure how far out it was before - my guess is about half a tooth space).
The only way it has been corrected is elastics. A stronger one on the left.. i'm assuming to pull things across.
It's worked great. Has been 6 weeks and is almost perfect.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:18 pm
by dena
no clue. my midline was a tiny bit off...i saw it but the ortho hasn't ever mentioned it necessarily. but my braces corrected the midline (extractions, too)

Re: What moves the midline?

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:31 pm
by rsprouse
freya333 wrote:hi guys

just a quickie - my bottom midline is 3mm out - how does it move around to become central, is it the elastics?

Cos if so, i've had mine on for a few weeks now and can't see anything moving, in fact i've not even had any descomfort (except in the first few days and even then it was only the two teeth that the elastics were attached to on the top!)


Forces move the midline :)

The force of the archwire on the brackets can move the midline by shifting the location of the teeth. But the most common way is via elastics. The force of the bands moves an area of the arch at one time and articulates them with the opposing arch. Don't worry, the elastics will give you some short term pain over time.


Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:58 pm
by mtbrncofn
My midline got a tad bit off and they used one elastic to correct it. It only took a month. Sorry I can't help you out with a measurement or anything. It was barely noticeable though.

I can't believe you have no discomfort with those darn things. Within hours of mine, I was in agony.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:17 am
by freya333
hi guys

Thanks for all your replies - i think i'll have to ask my ortho what's going on when i see him on the 3rd

because.... i've had these elastics on now for 4 weeks 4 days (i have just counted!), i can't see a blind bit of difference to any of my teeth, or the midline etc... AND there is no discomfort or pain! Hmm!

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:55 am
by kirst1583
What strength elastics are you using?
And in what configuration?
I'm assuming those 2 factors would make a big difference!
Mine is 3 and 1/2 ounces for one elastic and 6 for the other (just so you have something to compare to). I definitely felt the pain when I 1st got them.. after about a week it was back to normal though.