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A newbie here....preparing for the journey at 28

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:43 pm
by snoobie
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone on the message board for preparing me on the "braced" journey.

I just had my xrays, photos, impressions done and I will be braced in about a month, but I am already really nervous about it. There were moments where I have been so nervous about this experience, ie the pain, adjustments, etc, that I've even comtemplated about not getting my teeth straightened. But after discovering this message board and lurking around for the last few days, I am more at ease after reading everyone's experiences. Now I am, dare I say it, a bit excited about getting the braces on.

I will be getting the clear brackets on top, does anyone have any recommendations on which ligs colours would be best? I don't think I'll be brave enough for any colour ligs, but would like something that's not quite so noticeable, but won't easily stain.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:19 pm
by ssfw
Hi Snoobie,

I had second thoughts on getting braces, not becasue of pain, but because of the visibility of the braces and having braces as an adult. Believe it or not, when I went in to get the spacers and impression done for my expander, I was still having second thoughts while I was in the chair. I am so glad I decided to proceed with the treatment. I know that if I didn't proceed with treatment then, I wouldn't do it at all. My treatment will be about 20 months. I will be getting clear brackets on the upper arch and probably metal on the lower, I don't have to make a final decision for a couple months, after the expansion of my upper arch is done.

I have read that the smoke colored ligs are not too visible and do not stain. You can also try the grey ligs - they don't stain. I have read that the clear and white ligs do stain.

I have had no pain with the spacers or expander. A couple teeth were a bit sensitive for 2 days while chewing when I had the spacers, but no pain.

I hope your orthodontist and his/her staff are kind and compassionate because this is so important when you are going to be seeing him/her quite often for at least 2 years, for most patients. It makes it so much more pleasant too.

Good luck and keep us posted.


Welcome, you've made a good choice!!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:29 pm
by trentb
Hi there -- I just wanted to provide some encouragement.

I'm 29, just started braces 6 weeks ago - when with standard metal braces. Thus far, it's been a surprisingly tolerable experience -- I'm a huge wimp when it comes to pain. The first four days were painful -- I couldn't eat anything but soft food, but after that, it wasn't too bad. I had my first adjustment last week -- it was painful for about 36 hours -- and then back to normal (there's additional stuff in my mouth and chapped lips, nothing more than that).

As for appearance. I'm very self conscious, and tend to be on the conservative side with personal appearance. However, I decided to be bold and go with Metallic Purple ligs. I received many compliments about my braces, nothing like I expected. My co-workers and friends have been very excited and positive when they've discovered that I got braces.

Oh yeah, for St Patty's Day, I went with Green.... that's been a big hit!

As for staining, I haven't had any problems. I drink coffee and diet soda daily and eat lots of turmeric, chili powder, tomato sauce, etc. I've been good about brushing after every meal -- I think that helps big time.

Overall -- I'm really glad I final got braces. Although very self conscious, no one else seems to notice (or gets over it quickly and never says anything again). I know it is a great investment in myself and remind myself of the rewards at the end when I have to pass up midmorning snacking at work, when flossing (my evening cleaning runs about 30-mins), and when there is pain.

Good luck. You've made a great decision. I think you'll find the experience to be surprising positive.


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:57 pm
by OneTime
Just remember its never too late or early to start.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:32 pm
by snoobie
Thanks to everyone for their encouraging and supportive words! You guys are wonderful! :)

Since I won't be braced until April 19th, I would like to spend the next few weeks eating stuff I will need to avoid once the braces go on....Could a few of you supply lists of what those are foods are? I am sadden that I will have to give up popcorn and gum...

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:56 pm
by Will
congrats and good luck!

i recommend clear braces :D