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Not Sure...

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:49 pm
by hopeful_4_2day
Hi, I havent been on the board for awhile and in not really sure if i want to go through the braces cylce. Im basically saying in mot sure if i want braces. I know my teeth its not the prettiest thing to look at and its really hurting my self esteem, but not sure if this is what i want.

Any Advice?

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:37 pm
by hollywood_smile
listen to your heart!

there are people with ugly teeth and they are happy with theirselves, so just think........if your teeth make you feel bad, or u know things like that, well...then fix them! what you get in the end is awesome. i was just exactly like you, ive been like that like...about 3 months or so, but i finally made up my mind...and im IN! it took me some time, but finally im sure, well not sure sure just a little sure im like 85% yes and the rest no! lol, (i suck in math so you make the equation) anyways, listen to your heart and your little voice inside, is not a big deal to wear brraces, specially if they r not that lol....

let us know what you decide!! :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:35 pm
by hopeful_4_2day
Thank You guys alot all of you gave GREAT advice and i appreciate it a whole lot. I will take it to consideration and i will go for it and take that journey.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:04 pm
by Will
Hey, if you're mostly worried about what other people might think of you if you have braces, don't worry... From what I've experienced, people don't really "care" that you have braces because it's almost a normal thing to have these days...

braces is a tough at first since it's painful for the first couple of weeks but it gets better from the on... and when you finally have your braces off, you'll feel great that you perservered through this time.

So don't be discouraged, have hope!

Re: Not Sure...

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:35 pm
by Solase
hopeful_4_2day wrote:Hi, I havent been on the board for awhile and in not really sure if i want to go through the braces cylce. Im basically saying in mot sure if i want braces. I know my teeth its not the prettiest thing to look at and its really hurting my self esteem, but not sure if this is what i want.

Any Advice?
I'm 33 and just had my braces put on March 15th (8 days ago). We all completely understand your situation. Part of me is glad I waited because self ligation braces are much, much more comfortable than what they offered when I was a teenager. The other part of me wished my dad had picked a better orthodontist who would have just listened to me in the first place and put the braces on rather than putting in a herbst appliance which just kept breaking all the time (and btw, I don't require now). My dad got tired of it and just said 'he can pay for braces when he gets older'. Needless to say, it's your decision and there is probably 2 years of some pain and anguish. Myself, I just came to a point that I wanted to improve the one thing I've not liked about my facial features which is my smile. 2 years maybe a long time, but I figured if I don't do it than I have only myself to blame for at least not trying.

So the real question is: will you be upset with yourself later when you think 'what would I look like had I gotten the braces'?

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:30 am
by dena
i was a nervous wreck during the weeks before i made the commitment. i was also really depressed because i was sure i'd hate the braces and hate my life while having them.

well, if it's any consolation i dont hate the braces at all. i actually kind of like them! they are kinda cute. and what's REALLY cute is that my super crooked top teeth were straight in ONE MONTH. (i have a blogspot if you want to see). honestly, i do forget about them now--it's funny because whenever i opened my mouth before, i NEVER forgot my crooked teeth, but the braces are moving to the back-burner in life. oh, and for the first time, i was with someone last week and was talking about my braces and she said "you have braces??" she DIDNT SEE THEM. i know everyone else tells that story, too, but i seriously wouldnt have believed it until it happened to me. beyond that, the others are right--most people paid absolutely no attention to them.

i have nothing but good things to say--this is one of the best decisions i've ever made and i'm very happy that i did it.

whatever you decide, good luck. we'll all be here for you regardless.