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extractions of upper #5 right and left teeth

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:45 pm
by poloaa
I will have the extraction on Apr.17, pretty nervous, anyone has the upper teeth #5(both left and right) pulled before?? any pain? I m just curious on anything, thanks.


Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:19 pm
by rsprouse

Never had my 2nd molars extracted, but I have pulled a couple :wink:

Nothing major to worry about as far as pain. You will feel a lot of pressure and hear some funny noises but that is perfectly normal. You will NOT feel any pain as you will be well anesthetized. The best advice I can give is to relax and be calm.

As far as complications the only additional thing to worry about compared to another extraction is the proximity to the maxillary sinus and the potential to perforate into the sinus. If it happens it can easily be patched, but it is an additional risk. Good luck and don't worry about it, you'll be just fine.


Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:22 pm
by firefly
hi poloaa!
i just had those teeth pulled the other day. i was really nervous before i went. i basically freaked out.but i was better when i got there, anyways. all the dentist did was numb me up, and i sat there for like 10 mins til i got really numb, he came in pulled them both out with in 10 minutes. . suprisingly it went really well. i had no pain, all i felt was the pressure of each tooth being pulled. all that i'm worried about now is keeping the extraction sites clean..

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:28 pm
by nimo
I didn't get those teeth out, but I had five pulled, and had NO problems whatsoever. Hardly any pain. They sedated me (just IV, no gas), I felt some pulling, and then I woke up. I was numb for over 12 hours afterwards. Lots of apple sauce, yogurt, mashed potatoes. Lots of rest, too! It helps with the recovery.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:49 pm
by JumpTheDitch
Poloaa, I have both upper #5's extracted a few months ago. I was a bit freaked out about it (I think the dentist spent more time calming me down than he did actually pulling the teeth!) but no real probs.

It was all very quick and relatively painless; first the doc put some topical anaesthetic to numb where he was going to inject the real stuff (banana-flavoured!), waited a min or two for that to work then injected either side of either gum. Waited a few more mins for that to kick in, spoke very calmly and reassuringly to me, patted my hand a few times, then grabbed some pliers and pulled! Both teeth came up fairly quickly and cleanly, just felt some pressure then a funny "pop" noise. His assistant was fantastic too, spent the whole procedure talking quietly to me and getting me to focus on breathing which really helped. Then he stopped the (light) bleeding with some gauze and it was all over. All in all it probably took 15 mins!

The best advice he gave me was to take some panadol a little while before the anaesthetic wears off and go to bed (put a towel over the pillow cos I'm afraid there's some leakage involved!). Now you just have to keep the sockets clean while they heal, which mine pretty much did for themselves. You have to be careful brushing around the sockets but it's no real hassle.

Don't stress about it, just don't catch public transport home like I did; drooling blood on the train is not such a good look!! :?

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 7:34 am
by Dark_angel
I had all four of my premolars out which i believe are the 5's. I had my left side dont one week and my right side the next. After the first round of extractions i almost passed out and then had to take the bus home with my mouth shoved full of bloody gauze. The next week i felt fine and as for eating it was okay, i had my extractions 6 months ago and i still have my gaps though and i hate having to fish food out of them. Good luck.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:25 am
by poloaa
thanks for the replies, i feel better, but still nervous.... :( How long does it take to do the spacers after the extractions?? a few days?? I have heard of spacers are the worst part, true or not?? Thanks again.


Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:01 am
by Dark_angel
I had spacers put on in august and then a week later i had my molar bands on. In september i then had my extractions and in october i had my braces on.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:23 am
by zbbelgium
I had nos 4 out on top, 5 on bottom, no pain. Was pretty amazing and I felt like hugging the doc afterwards.

Spacers had been put in 2 weeks earlier. There was no pain just discomfort as he pushed them in. Ortho said he wouldn't be able to put in all of them as teeth were so tightly packed so he only put in two. Just feels like I have a piece of meat caught between two teeth (lovely!). Teeth settle then after a few days and apart from sensitivity when I try to chew I am basically unaware of the spacers.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:46 am
by JumpTheDitch
Sorry Poloaa, I thought spacers were the worst of the lot! I had my first lot in before the extractions; spacers went in, 8 days later braces went on, one week later the two extractions, then two months later the second round of spacers in, finally a week after that the second lot of molar bands went on. NO MORE SPACERS PLEASE!! :?