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New Here

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:01 pm
by Tiffchelle
Hi, All! I am 23, after 3 orthodontic consultations have found the right fit, and I'm moving forward. I did my records and molds today, and had spacers put in. I have only minor issues, and my ortho is optimistic that I can be done in as little as 12 months. YEAAA! I've been reading this board for a few months and I'm excited to be a part of the group.

BTW, aren't spacers just awful!!! My teeth are so tight that the poor assistant had to end up flossing them in (after she ripped up my gums with the pliers). And one of them broke, and broke the floss as well!!! Uggh! Oh well, I am still excited to be finally going on with the process. My brace date is April 4th.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:36 pm
by OneTime

Don't remind me of spacer they are awful. I never ever want to have that experience ever agian.
I had metal spring spacers because my teeth were tight.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:31 pm
by Xcentric
You are definately not alone. My teeth are so tight that the spacers couldn't even be flossed in. The day I got my braces put on they had to use an scaler of sorts to cut a space between my teeth for the bands. Two burs were broken in the process. There was blood on my brand new sweater at the end of a two hour process.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:39 pm
by Samantha08
Welcome to the club!! :) Yeah spacers are just about the worst things ever created, lol! They are so bothersome! Mine kept falling out so they sent me home with extras and told me how to floss them in. Arhg! Out of the whole experience so far, that is the absolute worst!! So are you getting ceramic, metal, etc? Thats great you only have to have them on for 12 months!! It'll go by so fast! I've had mine on for 8 months already, and it's amazing how fast it's gone. Not fast enough haha! But fast! Well, good luck!! :)

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:10 pm
by Tiffchelle
Thanks for the welcome, everyone! I am leaning heavily toward ceramics on top, metal on the bottom, since my ortho doesn't charge extra. It is so awful, I have already lost 3 of these spacers (mostly because I kept messing with them). I called the office today, but they told me to just wait until 4 days before my braces appointment to have them put back in, so I'll go next Friday. I am still feeling pretty sore from the remaining spacers though. I sure hope it gets better. My co-workers and my husband (who is unfortunately deployed overseas - he's in the Air Force) think it's funny because one of the assistants gave me this plastic thingy to bite on when I'm in pain - I call it my adult teething ring. It's even grape flavored! Surprisingly, it actually helps. Anyhow, my husband will be returning in May, and he will come home to a new wife!