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weird, no pain : )

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:05 pm
by akabraces

Its so weird, I haven't had
any real pain yet since getting
spacers and braces...I was
expecting so much pain but
I've been fine so far, no
wax or tylenol necessary...
I keep checking to make
sure I really do have braces
on my teeth!

I hope the assistant
pulled my teeth enough
so that they are moving : )

But I'm certainly not
complaining about no
pain! Hope this pain-less
streak continues!

ta ta,


Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:12 pm
by Anticipator
I haven't had anything I'd qualify as "pain." I've had stuff I'd qualify as unpleasant, like poking wires or tooth sensitivity and tenderness, but so far I certainly haven't had anything that I would consider painful.

I've done many painful things throughout my existence (like most people I'm sure) and orthodontics is definitely nowhere near the top of the list.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:27 pm
by Tiffchelle
Wow! You are definitely lucky! I only have spacers and they are hurting something awful. This morning, I woke up thinking "WHAT AM I DOING?? CAN I REALLY GO THROUGH WITH THIS??" Then I took some aleve and got over it. They are still sore, and rubbing on the gums with my finger really comforts me.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:47 pm
by Flora2006
Same here, I experience soreness/sensitivity in random teeth all the time, but its nothing big. The only painful thing is when my wire pokes and starts cutting my cheek...

the weird thing is...

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:51 pm
by akabraces
I'm sorry to hear about your spacers!

I thought my spacers would kill because my teeth are so close together that my ortho couldn't believe it...and you know he's seen alot! Even when they put my bands (?) around my molars, it took forrrrrrever...they had to keep shoving them up there over and over again, that part hurt but afterwards,
they weren't even really that sore!

Granted, I do have a high threshold for pain, but I'm thrilled to have this experience be off to a good start, b/c I was so anxious about having pain and tenderness...I'm sure I'll be in for a real treat though when I have my first adjustment...oy...

Back to the grind (pun intended),


Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:02 pm
by Tiffchelle
I know what you mean about the tight teeth. The tech putting in the spacers tried first with the plier thingy's and couldn't get them in, and had to floss them in. She ended up breaking one of them and breaking the floss as she tried to get it out from between my teeth. My gums were all cut up from her trying to use the pliers first.

I'm a little nervous about the metal bands myself. Hopefully, like yours, they won't be that sore afterwards.

Brace-day is April 4th, I sure hope the pain settles down - it feels like it is radiating to all my teeth, and they just feel all banged up! I have to go in on Friday to have the spacers that *ahem* fell out put back in.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:15 pm
by Anticipator
Flora2006 wrote:Same here, I experience soreness/sensitivity in random teeth all the time, but its nothing big. The only painful thing is when my wire pokes and starts cutting my cheek...
Yeah, that's not fun. I just had to make my first emergency appointment on Thursday to have them trimmed. I think that some of the pain was decreased though by the idea that my teeth had made that much movement in only a day or two though.