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Braced at 47 on Tuesday!

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:34 pm
by dundee
I got my top braces on Tues. The ortho also put three bands on the bottom so it will be quicker when he puts the bottoms on in a couple of months. I have to go for an adjustment every two weeks. Does that sound about right?

The first couple of days my teeth were really sore. It felt like every one of them were loose and it was diificult to eat. Today they are feeling much better. I have a canker sore because I didn't put the wax on soon enough. I have since been using the wax and it is better. It took awhile for me to get the flossing down but now I've got it. I guess I have to get used too all the new tools and the time it takes.

My braces are really clear. People say they can hardly see them. The ortho said they are made of lexan. Does anyone else have the same type?

Thanks for listening.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 3:28 pm
by Tiffchelle
Congratulations, Dundee! Sounds like things are going pretty well for you. From what I've read, adjustment times seem to vary widely. My ortho told me that it would be about every 6 weeks for me. I am planning to go with ceramic uppers, but I am really not sure which brand/type they use. I've not heard of ones made of lexan (I don't think). Did you get clear ligs to go on them? I am planning to do color ligs on my ceramics, because I really like the way it looks.

I hope that all continues to go well for you. I'm sure you will find this board to be of great help as you go through this process.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 5:41 pm
by jcdamon3
Hi there! Welcome to the over 45 club! Every two weeks sounds like alot. Did he say why? I go every 4-6 weeks depending on what they are trying to accomplish. I think very soon I will be going every 8 weeks.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:38 pm
by Flora2006
Hi and welcome to the board. I see my ortho every 4 weeks. I wish I was seeing him every 2 weeks!! I feel like time goes by faster when I see my ortho every 4 weeks...Good luck with everything and let us know how it all goes. :)

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 7:21 am
by Aine
Welcome to the club, Dundee!!! I am also 47 and have had my upper ceramics since July (had 2 upper extractions due to crowding) and got my lower metal in November. My estimated brace time is 20 months.

When I first got braced I saw the ortho every 6 weeks which was quickly reduced to every 4 weeks because my teeth were moving quickly. At my last adjustment, he said he now wants to see me every 3 weeks, go I am overjoyed!! How long is your estimated brace period?

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 7:47 pm
by CLAmom
I am 46 and have been braced just over a month. I only wish I was seeing the ortho every 2 weeks--I think that would feel like there is more progress going on. It will be 6 weeks from banding before my first adjustment and I'm ready for some action! I've seen a little bit of movement so far but I'm not really good at the waiting game. Only about 2 years left to go!!!! :lol: