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Cost of braces?

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:55 pm
by simmy

I just found this bulletin board as I am interviewing orthodontists because I was advised to get braces. I understand the "technical" aspects pretty well, from looking a web sites, but the financial side is a bit confusing.

When an ortho gives a quote, is the patient supposed to "counter-offer" like buying a house?

I imagine I will be getting ceramic braces on top and metal on the bottom. I am in the US, on the east coast, but have no idea what is "reasonable" in terms of price and what is "out of line." Does anyone have any input?

Also, do braces cost more the longer you have to have them on, so that if I was told 24 months I would expect to pay more than if 18 months?

Thanks for your help!

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:02 pm
by braces4me
Hi Simmy

I am scheduled to get braced in April and was given a time frame of 24-36 months in braces. My braces are going to cost me just under $7K. I'm sure there are cheaper orthodontists to go to, but I chose one of the best around with lots of referencses. There is no haggling in price for orthodontics. Most orthodontics will require a down payment (mine 20% of cost) and will let you pay out the rest during the course of treatment. Braces vary in cost depending on how severe your teeth/alignment is and treatment time. Don't be afraid to go to a second opinion as well.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:21 pm
by Regina Rose
The average cost for braces in the US right now is about $5,000. But keep in mind that is just the average; the cost varies depending on region. I live in the upper Midwest and am paying $4,800 for an estimated 24 months of treatment, including a set of retainers and two years of "retention" appointments after that. My ortho charges the same whether you choose all metal or clear/ceramic.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:43 pm
by smilezofmetal2
Mines cost me 5,650.00 :roll: ...but its not that bad if you don't think about it. This inculdes everything...from x-rays to retainers.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:15 pm
by phanta
I'm also in Toronto, Canada and mine cost $5800 (ceramics on both top and bottom) and I'll be needing micro-implants (or screws rather) to pull back teeth in order not to disturb my pretty good looking front teeth :) With other ortho's who quoted me on the same, I'd have to go to a surgeon to have the screws done and that would be an additional $1200-1800.

Orthodontist I chose is a surgeon himself and will be doing this at no extra charge. Plus he's very experienced and I got a lot of positive comments about him from people I know (dentists and not).

With metal, I'd have to pay $600 down, with ceramics - it's $1600 down, then $150/mo payments.

It's definitely not a bargain but all things considered I think it's a pretty good deal.

By the way, I got braced today! Day 1 is not that bad so far...

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:28 pm
by Flora2006
I'm in Toronto as well :) And my cost is 5500$ would have been 5000$ but I chose ceramics on top.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:41 pm
by altinure
Mine cost $4200 for the braces, and then it will cost an additional $4000 for the implant I need.