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#1 Post by Kevin »

My ortho is definitely a perfectionist! I got my braces off about 16 months ago and have been going in for regular retainer checks ever since. He wasn't happy with the way my bottom teeth were going back to their origional position (despite a permanent retainer and hawley that I use all the time) so he decided to put braces back on the bottom 8 teeth.

Fortunately I really liked my braces when I had them so getting them back on isn't a big deal. I'm glad my orhto is a perfectionist! Anyone else get rebraced after a year or so?


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#2 Post by momof2grlz »

Wow! You are taking your second treatment so well. You're at least the 3rd person on the board that I remember having braces put back on after treatment finished. I'm not sure I'd be so understanding. It is great that your ortho wants to fix your problem. Good luck and here's hoping it sticks this time.

Top Ceramics: 10/11/04; Bottom Ceramics: 02/16/05 DEBANDED: 05/03/07


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#3 Post by Kevin »

Thanks, momof2grlz. :) I know it's not common to have braces put on again so soon, but I figure it's just one of those things. It wasn't my fault that my teeth moved and it's not my orthos fault. I had two retainers over them! Since it's just 'one of those things' there's no sense in being upset about having braces again.


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#4 Post by kirst1583 »

Just curious. Do you need to pay again? Or is your ortho doing this for free considering the circumstances?


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#5 Post by Kevin »

Hello KK! Thank you very much for the nice compliments! It's nice to know I was able to help someone. :)

Unfortunately I never got any pics to post of my teeth except for a time or two when I had powerchains (which was most of the time). I've never had a digital camera and still don't. Hard to believe in this day and age! I would have loved to keep a diary of my braces...

My bottom teeth were the main reason for my braces in the first place. They weren't terrible, but they were very crowded and crooked. They were slenderized before my braces came off and allowed to settle into place for a while. I had my bottom permanent retainer placed 2-3 months before the braces came off as well. Looking back, the retainer never broke while my braces were on, but once they were removed pieces of the retainer kept coming off on the right side and even had to have it replaced once. I think it was my teeth forcing their way back against the retainer that cracked it. Maybe they're homesick. ;)

I was also wearing a Hawley retainer on the bottom as well. I went in for regular checks and the ortho kept adjusting the retainer to hold my teeth in place, but it didn't seem to work. It was getting hard to wear...

I also had elastics (always loved wearing them!) for about half my treatment, but no more than 90% of everyone else. I never had headgear or anything else though. I never had any extractions either. My teeth were crowded, but there was enough room to move everything.

kirst1583, I'm not paying anything more for the retreatment. I think it's because I've been faithful in wearing my retainers and have kept every appointment since my braces came off. My orhto still expects people to come in so he can check retainers and relapse and make adjustments when neccessary. If I had just showed up one day and complained about a few crooked teeth without me doing my part after my braces came off I'm sure it would be a different story.


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Location: Sydney, Australia

#6 Post by kirst1583 »

Yeah that's right. That makes perfect sense. It's a real shame that your teeth have moved back again, but at least there's no financial issues to worry about.
All the best with it. Keep us posted on how you go 2nd time around! :wink:


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#7 Post by Clo »

Hi Kevin,

I figure that could happen to me too, as my lower teeth are very stubborn
too. Did your ortho tell you how he will do it now ? I mean, after your
bottom teeth are again ok, what retention will he use then ?

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#8 Post by Kevin »


I'm not sure what his plans are now. I figured I'd give the braces til my next adjustment to see how my teeth are doing before I ask. I'm curious myself! When I find out, I'll let everyone know. :)


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#9 Post by Kevin »

I just got back from my adjustment. Not much interesting - thicker wire, wire ties, and metalic blue rings. Next month I'll get an even thicker wire. Nothing exciting! I feel my bite going out of whack though, so maybe I'll get my top braces back one of these days, too.

But, at least I can look forward to my first cruise!! I'm leaving in 2 weeks for 5 fun filled days on a cruise to Balize. :) And on Aug. 28th I start my masters program. Really looking forward to that!


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#10 Post by pucca26 »

It wasn't my fault that my teeth moved and it's not my orthos fault.
I think that it is your ortho's fault, Orthodontics is not just moving teeth into a straight alignment, it also to find a good place for them where they can be kept in the right place after your braces are removed, using retainers, of course. That’s the most difficult part in orthodontic but something he has to do, if he thought his job was well done, he wouldn’t braced you again. That’s my point of view.
Upper Lingual Braces - On, April 7th, 2006 - Off, August 23rd, 2007
Lower Inspire Ice Braces - On, June 9th, 2006 - Off, January 3rd, 2008

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