Any good orthodontists in central london?

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Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:27 am

Any good orthodontists in central london?

#1 Post by bambulka »

Dear all,
What a great site this is!! Only discovered it today. I hope someone can help me - I am thinking about getting braces on my teeth due to overbite and I also thrust my tongue (only started doing this about 1 year ago and not sure why I do it?). Anyway, does anyne know of any good orthodontists in Central London area? Any replies would be greatly appreciated as I would like to have the braces as soon as possible.
Many thanks.

Posts: 87
Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:18 am
Location: London, England

#2 Post by Duffle »

My ortho isn't in central london but is only 50mins away in Tunbridge Wells. The practice is called Total Orthodontics. They are private and are very good. I actually live in SE London and weren't happy with the local orthos in the area and couldn't afford the ridiculous central London prices.

Trains run from Charing x to Tunbridge Wells regularly and only take 45 minutes. And let's face it, it can take longer than 45 minutes to travel a couple of miles in central London.

Good luck.

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