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Does Everybody Have To Get Elastics...?

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:26 am
by Samantha08
I was just curious if its a part of EVERYONE's orthodontic plan, or if it just depends on how your teeth are? I figure its just depends on your teeth but I wanted to ask. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:44 am
by Flora2006
I think it depends on everyone's teeth but to be honest, I have never met anyone who did not have elastics lol.

I really don't want to get elastics. Having elastics in the back might not be too bad...but if my ortho would ever tell me that I need to wear them on my front teeth...I would refuse. That would just over-exceed the limit of my mental strength as far as braces go!

That's funny...

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:25 am
by flowertowngal
That's pretty funny that you say you would refuse - that is what EVERYONE is telling me - they take one look at my crisscross elastic configuration, with a big "X" right over the front, and say "Uh, should just put your foot down and tell him you won't do it."

I've considered it but gosh - I've put in 16 months now with these braces-seems like I should be able to handle the home stretch, you know?

It's partly "good girl" syndrome I guess - I don't want to go back to the ortho in six weeks and have him know I cheated and didn't wear them!

But oh Lord, do I hate them!

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:31 am
by Samantha08
Flowertowngal I dont know HOW you do it. Are you even able to speak? I think I would absolutely die if I had to do what you are going through, but I agree with you. I think I would just do it anyway, and be a mute for the next 6 weeks lol!

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:45 am
by Flora2006
lol, well my ortho has been winning on all arguments thus far so who knows.

BUT I would HATE him if he told me to wear them in the front. I don't think I will because my teeth aren't that bad...I don't have an overbite/underbite, etc.. or anything like that.

I have my next adjustment next week, I will ask for sure!

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 12:27 pm
by Samantha08
Flora thats a good idea! I will ask my ortho as well because I might as well find out now so I can brace myself lol! No pun intended!

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:27 pm
by R-A-M-O-N-E-S
I'm home early today because my mouth hurts after a tighting and i also got an elastic across the front of my teeth it sucks
man i dont want to wear it .

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:14 pm
by lionfish
Elastics are in my future. I'm a bit concerned about the visibility factor, but will have to deal with it like everything else I guess.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:27 pm
by hannah164
I know it depends on the case but most people I know have had elastics or will at some point!

I know elastics are in my future, I'm thinking my next adjustment! :shock: At my last adjustment, my ortho almost gave me elastics but changed his mind! :? Lately, it seems everyone has gotten elastics! Like all of my friends and lots of people on this board! :roll: I'm almost jealous, hoping we'll start fixing my horrible bite soon, like at my next adjustment! :wink:

~Hannah :frogbraces:


Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05
Last Adjustment: February 28, 2006 where they gave me a new bottom wire and attached my impacted canine, newly bracketed, to the wire! OUCH!

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:54 pm
by ssfw
Hi Samantha08,

I don't think everyone has to wear elastics.

I do know I will have to wear elastics in the future to reduce my overjet. I'm sure the elastics correct other types of orthodontic problems too but not sure of whattypes of problems.

Yes, I think you had a great idea that you will be asking your orthodontist of what to expect during your ortho treatment. I tried asking all of my questions during the consultation and even a few more questions by phone after my consultation. I had my list of questions (this really helps - if you have alot of questions, you may have a chance of forgetting some of your questions while talking to your orthodontist). I had my list but thought of a few more questions with the information he shared with me. My questions were geared towards what will be done during the treatment to correct my orthodontic problems, the appliances to be used, other options available, pros/cons, possible use of headgear, I shared my concerns, etc. Just list your questions, no matter how trivial you think it is - if you have a question about it, you might as well get the answer. Because I know what to expect, I think this has helped me to enjoy my orthodontic treatment (yes, I wish I didn't have to wear braces, but since I do, I am very pleased with the process).

The two orthodontists in my office are the greatest - if I have questions, I just ask them during my appointments and they are more than happy to answer my questions. I have fewer questions now - since my preliminary questions are done. My questions now are usually about current treatment, how it is going and what to expect at my next appt., etc.

Hope this helps.


Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:35 pm
by JumpTheDitch
Yeah, I think most people end up getting elastics. I know they're in my future, along with powerchains (quite soon I think). They do look kinda scary sometimes, but I guess we've all put up with quite a bit so far in the name of good dental health/appearance ( especially those with RPE, etc) so I guess we'll cope with elastics too.

A friend of mine told me that when her sister laughed hard, hers used to 'ping' off and fly across the room! :shock: :lol: I hope they've made some advancements in elastics since then...

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:41 pm
by altinure
I don't have to get elastics.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:07 pm
by R-A-M-O-N-E-S
I was told that my elastics are to help close some of the gaps I have
it just really sucks having to wear them right in the front of my mouth for the world to see :shock:

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 2:40 am
by Svensk Tiger
I don't need to get elastics, I get a special treat instead...

..double jaw surgery! Lovely, I can't wait :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:27 am
by Anticipator
I was told during my consultation that elastics would be a part of my treatment. Now that my bite has gone completely wonky (I love you UKers for that word) I'm hoping they'll come soon so I can get back to using more than three and a half teeth to chew with.