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At the crossroad...Bicuspid extractions?

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:10 pm
by Bluesky

Anyone out there who has had 4 bicuspid removed? If you have...would you do it again? What were the results?? I am very curious to know if the extractions caused a significant change in your profile? For instance, did it flatten your profile a lot or cause you to look like your mouth was sunken in?

Well, I'm new too this whole orthodontic braces thing. So I'm torn between making a very hard decision. I have had three consultations with each place telling me different evaluations. I'm trying to decide between extracting 3 premolars (bicuspids) two on top and one on the bottom. The 4th bicuspid on the bottom is already extracted because it couldn't be saved from a deep cavity. I have only slight crowding and a 4mm I worry if the orthodontist will be able to close such big gaps if I have more teeth extracted.
The other option is to not get teeth extracted and wear a Herpst device to realign my jaw and midline, it looks like a really uncomfortable and adds 6 more months to treatment time. Also this would mean I wouldn't have a perfect bite, unbalanced number of teeth.
Don't know whats the better option....? :?

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 12:41 am
by Missingorigin
I had 4 biscupids removed. (2 top, 2 bottom). I dont know if i would do it again. I have only been braced for a little over 2 weeks. I would have to wait and see for the results to see if it was worth it. I guess I put too much trust in my ortho for me to agree on this big decision. Hope everything turns out to be fine. If i had the chance not to get extractions, ill take it. even if it means 5 years longer of treatment.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 6:26 am
by blueberry
hi i have had 4 extractions..two top second premolars two bottom premolars, its made no difference to my profile but im getting my braces fitted on tuesday, the actual extraction was fine, i was really nervous and the prospect of having them was what nearly changed my mind about going through with this. dont worry, honest its not bad at all and im very nervous of needles and was terrified about it. i dont think they could change your face so dramatically its noticable! i think if you can get braces you shouldnt be afraid, just think about those lovely perfect teeth and that big confident smile you will have!

good luck with whatever you choose and keep us updated!



Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:58 am
by samantha_lou
Its different with every ortho, they all have their preferred way to treat patients and deal with whats going on. My ortho, however, will rarely extract - as he likes to create very full smiles with a nice wide arch of teeth. I am missing several teeth on my top arch (extracted by dentists in the UK due to overcrowding), and my ortho views this as not a good thing for me.

Personally, I like to see a full smile aswell, and if the teeth are healthy and can be brought into the end result, then I think they should be given the chance!

Save the bicuspids, save all the bicuspids! :jump:

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:32 pm
by TuZZi
I had 4 bicuspids taken out a month after I was braced, and my gaps are almost closed now, to the fact that I think I'm getting 2 of my springs taken out in a couple days at my next appointment. The other 2 on the left side should be closed by next month.

The extra room made by the extractions have moved things around A LOT, and now I have very little crowding and I even have gaps inbetween a few of my front teeth now.

This is actually the first month since I got my braces that I havent had to get the wires clipped before my scheduled appointment. Usually I have to go in 2-3 weeks later because the ends are sticking out more than a millimetre or two. So things have slowed down a bit movement wise and things are starting to line up.... they aren't sticking out as far as they used to!

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:12 pm
by shinyam
How would extracting molars prevent you from having a full smile? When you smile, you can only usually see the front six teeth (incisors, laterals, canine). These would all be there. So would it not make any difference in the way your smile looks? :?:

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:46 pm
by TuZZi
If the ortho does it right.... you can see much more than just 6 front teeth when you smile. My ortho thought it was better for me to have a SARPE so I would have a fuller smile, with less "darkness" in the corners of my mouth because the SARPE would have pushed the teeth outwards and into the dark spots.

But I chose to have the extractions instead, and I will have a little bit of darkness in the corners, but that's the least of my worries... I'll have straight teeth for the first time EVER!

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:36 am
by genxsis
I also had 4 bi-cuspids taken out before I got braced. I have severe overcrowding, so it was necessary to create room to put my overlapping eye teeth where they belong. The gaps are closing up nicely and it didn't change my profile that I could notice.