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Wednesday is the day

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:09 am
by today53
Hi all,

I am a bit excited and a bit concern, as I am finally getting braces on Wednesday morning.

I have been in and out of the dental office for the last 6 weeks or so, having my teeth pulled out and such.

Really don't know what to expect on Wednesday. Really worry that I won't be able to eat some food, especially curry. Also, having to brush my teeth after every meal is not exactly encouraging. Imaging bringing a toothbrush and toothpaste on a nightout...What have I gotten myself into?!

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:50 am
by missingu
Welcome today53. I'm not exactly an expert at braces, having only had them a few months.

From your comment about curry, I guess you are getting some ceramic since curry stains are not an issue with metal. But i'm guessing.

In the "best" world, we'd all take a toothbrush with us when we go out, but sometiimes that isn't the case, and the ortho assistant who put on the braces talked about that. She basically said brush after eating when you can, when you can't, at least try to rinse your mouth out with water after the meal and brush when you can.

I hope no one thinks I'm saying not to brush cuz I 'm not! It's just that even the ortho's office said that sometimes life gets in the way and you brush very regularly, but if you can't now and then, as long as you do your best to keep your mouth clean, they don't want braces to mess up things for you. You'll probably find you want to go to the ladies room once or twice when out just to see if there is food in the braces, just to make sure everything looks OK when you are out.

Beyond that, depending on what your treatment involves and the braces, you'll probably be sore for a few days after getting them on - I wasn't !! - and maybe inside of mouth a little rough. The other tips I've seen from other people who posted are to put on lip balm before/during if your lips get chapped and go to the restroom before the process starts. Bring music to listen to if that will help, too.

Keep us posted between now and then and welcome.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 9:12 am
by sjsarre
Hey, i'm in the same boat. Getting ceramic upper and lowers on Thursday morning at 9am..

I absolutely adore curry and in fact all the food that you can't eat with braces, guess it'll be great for the diet!

Mind you. Knowing me and how much I love my food, its gonna be a case of where there's a will, theres a way with me...

I'm sure i'll find an genius way of eating all that stuff...

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 9:29 am
by kirst1583
Hi today53 - nice to see another Sydneysider!
Good luck for Wednesday, i'm sure it will all be fine.
Braces are like anything. It will take you a little while to adjust but after that you wont even notice them. Just keep remembering the reasons for your decision and focus on the end result :wink:
On the topic of going out - generally I don't take a toothbrush with me, but after I eat I just go to the bathroom and check my teeth and if need be I swish some water and get any food out that way. It doesn't become too much of a hassle. You get used to it pretty quick.
Well once again good luck. I'll look forward to hearing how things go.. so be sure to keep us posted. :thumbsup:

sjsarre - Good luck for Thursday. Hopefully all will go well for you also and it will be a smooth beginning to your braces journey!

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:10 am
by Kroozergirl
Hey Today,,,,,Wed is the day for me as well! getting Ceramics on top, Metal on the bottem,,,excited but nervous at the same time!

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 12:48 am
by shaynesgirl
Hi all,

I am new here and also a Sydneysider :)

Wednesday is also my "B-day" and I'm very much looking forward to it. At the moment I have 8 spacers/separators between my teeth but have not had to have any extractions.

I've also been worried about having to brush after eating, as my job involves face-to-face contact with the public and alot of talking. I think I'll be sticking with soft food for work and deal with the more complicated food bits at home!

KK I am closely following the advice you have to give. It's good to know I will be well-prepared for those first few days after having the braces put on!

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:08 am
by missing_tooth
Congrads on getting braced. I know it's easier said than done, but it's really nothing to worry about. I found no pain when getting braced, with a couple of exceptions hours later. Yes it does take some getting used to, but I found it to be very manageable. As far as taking a toothbrush with you everywhere, I confess to not doing that. Almost always a swish of water will remove any food. Note: Almost always.

In any event, welcome to the world of braces.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:19 pm
by today53
Hi all,

thanks for the reply. Just like to share this moment with everyone, got the metal on my teeth an hour or so ago. The feeling is quite strange.

Good luck, shaynesgirl, Kroozergirl and Sjsarre.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:06 pm
by lionfish
Hi today53, I'm also in Sydney.

On which side of the Harbour are you?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:01 pm
by Kroozergirl
Hi All, Got my braces this morning, went pretty smoothly, no pain....yet:) Got pieces of harden wax on my back molars so I can eat,, Have an over bite thats why. For sure going to be drinking lots of smoothies in the next while...I will show some pics soon.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:33 am
by shaynesgirl
Hi Kroozergirl, I also have an overbite, and a bit of crowding of my front teeth. Was braced Wednesday, yesterday morning. I have been eating mainly soups and yogurts and mashed potato as I find I can't really chew anything yet without pain. Hoping it will get better soon, I'm getting hungry!

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:30 am
by Kroozergirl
Hi Shaynesgirl, I don't really have to much pain, just discomfort, but that could be because my mouth does not close together at the moment:)But I did wake up with a sore neck this morning!! I had mash potatoes yesterday and yogurt, right now I am going to try some pasta,,,,,,