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Completely bizarre appointment this morning

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:23 am
by freya333
Hi guys

Went to see my ortho this morning - he said that if it wasn't for an impacted wisdom tooth that he is trying to upright and is taking its time, "we would be there and ready to deband at the next appointment [6 weeks]"

Great for me you might be thinking, so tell me...

Why is one of my two front teeth sticking out further than the other?
Why is my bottom midline still 2-3mm off?
Why are my two middle bottom teeth still slightly crooked?
Why are neither the top or the bottom teeth straight - in fact if i rest my front teeth on top of each other, only one top one actually touches the bottom ones?
Why are my canines a bit fang-like compared to the not-straight middle front teeth?

I mentioned a couple of these points to him, he smiled, got out a mirror and said Freya this is as good as we are going to get them, i mean you don't want to spend the next two years in braces do you?

Well no, but... I have not come this far for them to come off when in my eyes, there is still quite a long way to go....

Hmm. :?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:29 am
by fins
Sorry your treatment hasn't been as successful as you would have liked. I would add one thing, if your ortho feels this is the best he/she can do for you, please consider getting a second opinion from another ortho. Maybe someone else can fix some of the things that are bothering you and you can get the result you eally want. Good luck!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:35 am
by Whirliebird
I agree you should def talk it over with him at your next appt.

Out of interest where do you go??

I see Mr Shore at the top of Penns Lane.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:05 am
by freya333
thanks guys for all your repsonses - unfortunately I cant book a special appointment as my work are a bit funny about 'all the time off' i have for my braces, but i will definitely have a word at my next check up in six weeks

whirliebird you are just down the road, i go to walmley! how strange. but seeing as i am naming them I think it's only fair to say that overall i am extremely pleased with the way it's been going and my service, the ortho's wife is my dentist and they are both great! :D