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Getting braces on

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:02 am
by ~ Scott ~
Hey, I'm Scott, and I'm new here. I'll get right to the point! I'm 17 now, and could've had braces two years ago, but refused to get them because to put it bluntly - I'm pretty vain and self conscious! :oops:

So, I know now it was a big mistake and the only problem with my mouth is actually my canines on the top and bottom where my teeth around the back have obviously pushed them forward ever-so slightly. However, my dentist said that'd get worse as time goes on, and it'll be noticable, so braces are a good option.

I've thought about the braces (metal ones), and I'm going to go through with it now. I think I'm going for the appointment to get the x-rays etc. this month, so I think I'd have them on pretty soon, which is the sooner the better. I know this is such a silly question and I'm being an idiot, but do girls actually view braces as a 'turn-off' towards guys who have them? As I said earlier, I'm kind of vain, and just don't want it affecting my social life and such.

Also, and finally, is it possible to get away with 6 months treatment with minor problems in your teeth? I mean I don't mind wearing them for a year because I know it'll benefit me, but it's just at the age of 17, most people are getting their braces off - which is no one's fault but my own. :oops:

Thanks, and appreciate the feedback!

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:51 am
by ~ Scott ~
KK wrote:Hi and welcome to this board ~ Scott ~! :thumbsup:

Great that you've made the decision to get your teeth aligned now ... you're still really young, so I think you'll be pleased you're doing it now and not in 20+ years time, like many of us on here! :(

There have been quite a few threads about getting dates, and from both the male and female perspective. Many of the members have been single when they got braces ... and although maybe a little shy in the early days ... that didn't last and neither did their single status!

Like most things braces affect the person wearing them loads more than anyone else. We're consumed with them, coz we're checking them for progress, checking to see if they're clean and so on. Whereas other people have busy lives and our braces just aren't that important to them.

I'm sure if you show that braces are no big deal for you, then they won't be a big deal for people you come into contact with!

Good luck with this preparation stage! :banana:
Yep, I'm wanting to get them perfect now so I can have it over with!

I was just wondering about the perspective from girl's points of view about guys with braces at my age. I mean it's because I'm 17 and not many people in my year at school have braces still. :x But I've asked some girls and they said they couldn't care which was reassuring to say the least ha! :wink:

Thanks for the great advice. The end bit about it being moreso the brace-wearer's concern, in particular! :)

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:36 pm
by akabraces
hey scott!

go for the braces! i know alot of girls that think guys with braces are cute...and since i got braces, everyone thinks they're cute : )

after you have them for a couple of weeks you'll forget they're even there!

take care and keep us posted!


Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:07 pm
by JoeMama
And this goes without saying but - anyone who would judge you in a negative way because you're wearing braces probably isn't worth knowing. Regardless of how old you are.

Good luck with your decision - and remember, it's no easier to get them when you're older. It can always be a tough decision for some people (myself included).

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:08 pm
by shinyam
You're still a teenager, you'd fit right in wearing braces. lol. It's when you're in your thirties and wearing them that it gets a bit awkard. :)

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:56 pm
by Leslie022
You're never too old for orthodontics. As far as girls go...if they have a problem with it, then why would you even want to know them? When I see people with braces, I think "Good for them!" Don't worry about being 17 with braces. I'm 20, 21 in June, and I don't feel silly!

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:24 pm
by hollywood_smile
hey scott. isnt a turn off at all, im waiting for the braces veredict, and i had the same concern as you oon what guys in my case will think about me.
anyways, some guys feel or girls feel the need to taste different things if you know what i mean, so .......most girls should tottally like it.
actually today i kissed a guy with braces, it was to check on how things work. well it was like if he wasnt wearing anything at all. so im ok now, i wont scare guys after kissing them with braces on. lol! :lol:
Now i wouldnt mind kissing tonz of guys wearing braces lol!!

and besides that, guys look interesting, hot and cool with braces!!

by the way im 18 8)

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:47 am
by Dark_angel
Hgi scott, im also 17 and in metal braces. I met my current boyfriend 3 years ago and i believe he had braces or he got them on not long after we met and about a year ago he had them taken off. I didnt think anything of him to be honest i didnt really notice he had them. Im now in braces and he dosent mind either and he says i look cute in my headgear which i know that i dont.

Braces wont ruin your fun and despite what some people have said they dont cause limitations on your fun or love life.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:26 am
by ~ Scott ~
Cheers for all the replies, guys. :)

I'm starting to think they really aren't that bad. I mean, there's girls who have braces on and they do look cute with them on, but I just thought girls didn't see guys with braces the same way. :P

Anyway, really appreciated the replies and thanks again! :D

P.S. I think my x-rays etc. are in mid May, so I think I'd have them on early June or so!