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it looks like a retainer but the doctor call it bite plan?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:03 pm
by tantra_204
hi, I am new here actually. I have one question. I just got this thing called a bite plan..I am wearing my top braces right now and the doctor made a mold of my teeth last meeting. So today I went for the appointment and the doctor told me to wear this thing called bite plan. It looks like a retainer but you wear it the same time as braces, so my mouth is really full right now.. :(
The doctor said that it is used to separate the bottom teeth from the top teeth, so when I get my bottom braces, the braces will not hit the top teeth, has anyone here ever use it?How was it?oh, and doctor said I have to eat with that thing in my mouth, but I can take it off to clean it..Well, I try to eat and I could not even chew because that thing wont let me close my mouth, so I have to take it off before I eat.
If you ever used it, how did you eat with that thing?
thanks in advance. :wink:

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:24 am
by Samantha08
Well I have a thing that sounds just like what you are talking about, but its called a "bite plate." Im guessing its probably the same thing. My ortho told me to take it out when I eat. But now I only have to wear it at night :)
You get used to it really quickly.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:44 am
by tantra_204
Bite plate?probably that's the name, i might have misheard it.
Does your bite plate is used to prevent the bottom teeth's wire scraping the top teeth?If it does, then it is the same thing as mine.

Re: it looks like a retainer but the doctor call it bite pla

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:04 am
by HeadgearJoe
tantra_204 wrote:hi, I am new here actually. I have one question. I just got this thing called a bite plan..I am wearing my top braces right now and the doctor made a mold of my teeth last meeting. So today I went for the appointment and the doctor told me to wear this thing called bite plan. It looks like a retainer but you wear it the same time as braces, so my mouth is really full right now.. :(
The doctor said that it is used to separate the bottom teeth from the top teeth, so when I get my bottom braces, the braces will not hit the top teeth, has anyone here ever use it?How was it?oh, and doctor said I have to eat with that thing in my mouth, but I can take it off to clean it..Well, I try to eat and I could not even chew because that thing wont let me close my mouth, so I have to take it off before I eat.
If you ever used it, how did you eat with that thing?
thanks in advance. :wink:
hi tantra , yea i had to wear one even after my lower braces went on for about 6 months, i guess your like me an hand a very deep overbite, i had to eat with mine in , only to take it out to brush , you will get kinda use to it after a while , good luck , hgjoe

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:36 am
by cactus
Mine referred to it as a bite plane, with an "n" - and yes, the first few days of excess saliva were a bit much until my mouth/stomach or whatever realized that it wasn't some food stuck to the roof of my mouth that needed more juice to be dissolved.

And I finally, after a few days of having food [especially lettuce] slip right through my teeth without having been ground up, figured out where food bits/chunks had to be positioned in my mouth to have sufficient contact between upper and lower to get chewed properly. It should just take you a few frustrating days before you get it. But you WILL get it. Good luck

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:53 am
by tantra_204
this plate is horrable...I tried to eat with it, I could not even chew my food and could not swallow it coz it's too big to be swallowed..
But seeing that there are some of u that can eat with it, I'll give it a try..
Thanks for the support guys!!! :D :D :D

count me in

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:44 pm
by akabraces

i'm getting a bite plate too...and so curious about it, like does it go under your teeth so they don't hit the lowers or BEHIND the teeth?

and can other people see it?



Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:59 am
by sydsmom
Mine just has two wire "hooks" that curve under my bicuspid on either side. Other than that, it can't be seen.

Although, the plastic part is really really thick, so it interferes with my speech. I only have to wear mine at night for now, but if I had to use it during the day, I'm pretty sure people would know I was wearing it because of the speech issue even though it technically can't really be seen.