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today was the day

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:29 pm
by trequ
Today was the day i got braces on!! im going to miss eating all those good things i cant have :( oh well i guess i'll just have to adapt. i walked into a resturant today, and thought everyone was staring at my teeth.

what has everyone else felt like when you first got your braces??

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:40 pm
by Flora2006

Congratulations on getting your braces. What are you being treated for? How long?

Don't worry too much about the food...You will be eating normal food in no time. I eat chocolate ALL the time...Just make sure to brush your teeth right after.

I know what you mean when you say you feel like everyone is looking at you. I get the same feeling and it's been almost 3 months for me! I guess this takes time...longer for some people ;)

I hope you aren't in too much discomfort/pain/soreness. Make sure to rinse with warm water with a teaspoon of salt...and use your wax if your braces are hurting your cheeks.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:56 pm
by camusx
When I first got my braces, I felt like I wasn't going to be able to eat anything. However my friends who had braces before told me they ate anything if they cut it into pieces. So its not that bad :-) I just dont rip appart food with my front teeth, I put pieces of food with a fork or with my hand inside of my mouth and start chewing. You should get a waterpick, they really help to clean your teeth for excess food stuck in your braces.


Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:03 pm
by lionfish
I felt totally spaced out after getting my braces (possibly from being in a horizontal position for over an hour), ran a red light on the way back to work and almost hit another car. Fortunately, the driver of the other car was very sweet about it.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:55 am
by Saycheesenikki
Trequ- Hey there! Welcome & Congrats!!!! Im only on my second day of braces but I feel shy, proud, Excited & all other emotions. I woke up this morning (my first morning with them) I ran to the mirror to make sure nothing was hanging or broken or anything. Then I laughed. I havent gone out to eat in public yet. I need to get used to these guys first. I wish you a very smooth journey. Advil every four hours & I find using the electric toothbrush on my gums is heaven....Read up on everyones advice in these forums, they are great....Smile! :D

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 1:53 pm
by trequ
flora2006, im being treated for crowding and an overbite. The ortho said it would be about 24 months

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:34 pm
by ashantia

Its only been 5 days and I still feel like EVERYONE is looking at me saying "look at her HUGE mouth" :) Its really silly cuz they dont look bad at all. I remember the night or two before I was thinking omigosh, a 26 year old with braces!!!! But then If found this site and was like thank goodness for archwired!!! I am always looking in the mirror trying to see what it looks like when I talk or smile because I feel they look really big to other people but they dont. I believe everyone that this will pass soon, and I will forget about them even being there!
