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Chipped canine against lower brackets

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:49 pm
by phanta
OMIGOD! I'm so grateful this forum exists! If I didn't read about a similar situation, I might've never looked at my upper canines.

In 5 days my teeth have moved enough for my upper teeth to start touching lower brackets. So I've been knocking my canines on brackets for 2 days and there are 2 square-shaped chips on them now! One isn't too bad, the other is kind of noticeable. Still, I'm so happy I caught this early enough, again - thanks to this forum.

I went in for an emergency appointment today and they placed 2 blue cement bumps on my lower molars which is now preventing my teeth from touching. They're blue in color so when taking them off, they don't confuse them with tooth enamel.

These bumps feel huge and are actually making me gag and lisp like crazy. The assistant said I'd get used to them but it's been about 12 hours now and I still feel pretty aweful :( The gag reflex is not so bad, but I can't close my mouth, my facial muscles are tired and I'm mad at this lisping thing. I JUST had it under control, got used to the braces and now this...

Ah, well. Thanks for listening :)

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:01 pm
by Kroozergirl
Hi Phanta, I have the same blue thingys on my molars and find them more annoying than my braces! :) I feel like just pulling them off! It is so difficult to eat when you can't even close your mouth...I just got my braces on Wed and my next adjustment is not for another 8 weeks, and can't imagine having those things on for that long. So I am hoping that my front teeth move forward enough before then,so I can get them off! :)