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Orthodontist in Houston?

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:12 pm
by hopeful_4_2day
Hey guys! it always seem like i need some type of advice i guess its because im a teenager (whatever) im still considering whether i should go through with it ... but i do need to know does any one know a really good ortho in the city of hoston. A reasonable one. So if i do convince my parents braces are for me i want to already have a good ortho in mind.
So can anyone help me?

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:05 pm
by missingu
Help me out here---

Wouldn't your (or any) dentist be the best person to help "convince" your parents you need braces? I would imagine the best argument would come from someone who does not have a financial interest in whether you do or do not get braces, like a general dentist, yet who understands why they may be medically necessary.

My question is, why do you think you need braces? Has someone made comments about your smile, or teeth? Are you unhappy or has someone said or done something leading you to think you need braces?

Certainly as adults many of us want to correct problems that have been in place for a while, but I'm hoping that in your late teens (what I figure you are) you haven't been plagued by long-term difficulties.

Let us know a little more about your orthodontic situation and maybe we can help. Be sure, as you are probably under 18, not to include any personal identifying information if you do share.

Thanks, and I hope you post again soon.,

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 5:49 pm
by hopeful_4_2day
Well yea people have made comments and yes we have had some ortho problems alot of them have not completed the job. For ex) one time abt a year or so ago we had an appt. so when we came back the bulding was closed we tried contacting them but we could never get a hold of anyone.
Another time before that my ortho was saying that i should be getting my braces soon then a call came about a week later saying he fell and broke his hip. That was the last straw i was feeling like maybe i shouldnt go through another disappointment agian. and my folks were tired everytime i bring up getting braces they get all mad and start retelling times of how my 4 orthos fell through. so i was just confused and felt like some one here can refer me to a good ortho with creditials in the city of houston.
Hope this made sense and thank you for your input.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:57 pm
by bbsadmin
I changed the title of your post to make it more descriptive.

Any readers in Houston who have the name of an ortho they would recommend for this person?

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 8:22 pm
by missingu
Well, with those experiences, I can see the parents being hesitant.

I don't know if you are familiar with a web site called "Dr oogle". Sounds weird but if you look at it, is a review site for dentists, orthos, perios, etc. by city. I have used it in my city and, despite being skeptical, the patient reviews were dead-on. Kept me from making a bad mistake.

It does not cost to read reviews, but you do have to have made a review to do so. It is very simple to do and once you make a legitimate post (specifically, they are trying to keep staff of dentists from making fake posts, which I have never seen) you can keep posting AND reading as many reviews as you want.

Even though I am not in Houston, I checked to make sure Houston is there, and it listed 40 orthos. Some have been reviewed, some not, which is neither a plus nor minus. But there are some with really good reviews so you might want to take a look. If you have the names of the creepy orthos who did you wrong, as long as your post is factual and not emotional, they'll probably add those comments to the specific dentists' evaluations.

I found it very helpful. Good luck and stay in touch.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:54 am
by Betty Bat
Do any of your friends have braces or did they have them in the recent past? Often the best thing you can do is to ask your friends and family for recommendations - who to go to and who to avoid. "Word of mouth" can help you.