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Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:04 pm
by whitmcb
Okay, I've called my dentist and am waiting to hear back from him (he's a friend). I'm going to ask him about specialists because I didn't see any from my town listed on that site that missingu provided. There are two about 100 miles from here, though, that I can try if I need to.

My dentist is the one who mentioned the MRI to begin with, but the orthodontist didn't follow through with it. So we'll talk with him a little and see what he wants to do before I go back to my orthodontist next week. I'll definitely let y'all know what I hear. I really appreciate your help!

By the way, what do you know or think about seeking chiropractic help for TMJ? Is is something I should look into?

Thanks again!

Oh, I figure I should add that another thing I've caught myself doing a lot is thrusting my lower jaw forward when I'm not doing anything. My mouth isn't closed all the way--my teeth don't touch--but my bottom teeth are practically in line with my top teeth. It's really tight. I did have an underbite when I was little that was corrected. And now, when I look at my bite in the mirror, my top and bottom teeth don't line up exactly.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:17 pm
by whitmcb
Sorry. Ignore this. I accidentally started a new topic when I meant to put it in "TMJ Blues."