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Calling everyone that has tried White Wire Ties

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:13 am
by SapphireJen
I have had my braces on for almost three weeks and already I can see that clear ligs are I are not a good combination. (Do you think its all the red wine and curry I have been consuming? :wink: )

My lovely ortho has let me arrange an appointment this Thursday to get them changed, and I have decided on wire ties. I wanted the white one but he has told me that the colour rubs off them.

Has this happened to anyone? Or alternatively, can anyone say that they recommend them?


Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:37 am
by KJM
SapphireJen, I don't have ceramics but I can attest that i have seen white wires/ties that have chipped and the white part comes off. Its not really pretty. :?
The metal ones are barely noticeable though, and I think you'll be pretty happy with them ( no staining)

I have metal brackets but have one wire tie to pull a stubborn tooth into place. My only complaint is that the wire pokes me if not tucked in really well. Run your tongue around your teeth once they are done and make sure that they are all ok before you leave the office if you can. It will save you from a sore mouth. :D

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 6:17 am
by WiredNana
I have two white-wire ties that were put on exactly a week ago...(upper front two teeth to slightly separate them).

So far they have not peeled or chipped.....and I do really like them better than the pearl ligs I had....stained bad.

We'll see what happens in the next 5 weeks......

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:32 am
by IndyBraceFace
I've always gotten white wire ties on my ceramic tops. I'm very happy with them and have never had a problem--no staining, chipping, or anything.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:38 pm
by Kell
I have the silver wire ties and love them. I asked about the white wire times and the assistant said that the white would show up more and might still stain some. The silver wire is really thin and blends in well with the arch wire.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:05 pm
by Granola
I have white wire ties on my upper ceramics, and stainless wire ties on my lower SS brackets. They are both great, and my experience has been all good.

On my uppers, I went eight weeks between the time my braces and white wire ties were put on and my first adjustment, and none of the white coating came off of my wire ties.

The white teflon ones are so smooth that they are less likely to snag floss than the stainless wire ties (in my opinion, though I haven't had a problem with snagging on either type yet).

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:55 pm
by brandyshea
I've had white wire ties on for four weeks and so far no color has rubbed off. You can see pics of them in my braces story thread (link in signature). They are a bit noticable, but I don't really mind. After all, I am wearing braces, people are sure to notice that.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:31 pm
by fins
I have always had white wire ties and they look great with ceramics. I never had any staining or chipping. For some reason, I got metal wire (a crazy configuration I needed on top of my archwire, not the ties) on my ceramics at my last adjustment and I HATE it. I don't know why I got metal this time, previously I had white. Needless to say, I am going to ask if I can get white again if this configuration is still needed. I think the metal looks awful with my ceramics and I was really disappointed when I saw the combination. Just my 2 cents.