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first cleaning!

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:21 pm
by Avion19
I had my first cleaning since I got braced. It went okay. They said I've been brushing my teeth well, but to floss harder. :( I swear these dentists floss like there's no tomorrow. They hurt like crazy and dig in to my gums until it bleeds. :shock: I also found out that I have to go in for a cleaning every 3 months. That's too much in my opinion. Ohh well, the patient's thoughts are never important!

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:42 pm
by perfectangel818
I despise flossing, wether it's me or the dentist doing it. But it's a neccesary evil. However, I would be quite ticked if they thought I needed to come in every 3 months. My dental insurance will only cover 2 a year. Are they cutting you a deal for requesting to see you more often? however, a cleaning may not cost much... hmm. will have to pull up old dental claims. sorry, i'm whiny/b!@#$hy today. lol

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:47 pm
by missingu
Yes the patient's thoughts are important!!!

The 3-month cleaning issue with braces is a guideline (at least that was what I saw on the bulletin board at the ortho's office), not a law. It is always your choice whether to go in or not. I generally go in every six months (at least pre-braces), but when I was unemployed, dental cleanings were not high on my list of priorities, rent was. So I went a year or so. I'm working now but still do not have dental insurance, so cleanings still do not prioritize over rent.
Don't get me wrong, cleanings are important, and if all things were equal, I'd go more frequently. Thing is, they aren't equal, and only you know what is right for you.

It sounds like the whole cleaning experience was pretty horrible. Can you change dentists but keep the ortho if you like her/him (and see what (s)he says about the cleaning schedule.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:55 pm
by Leslie022
I read an article on AOL a couple months ago that the annual "6-month" cleaning originated in some newspaper comic. The article also said that most people don't <i>need</i> to go for a cleaning every six months if they are cleaning like they should... I wish I could remember the title of the article.

Congrats on a good report! I hate flossing! :)

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:57 pm
by Flora2006
I go for cleanings every 4 months. My next one is this thursday...I'm really hoping for good news!

I don't have insurance so I pay out of my own's not that expensive. It's about 130$... depending how much cleaning the hygienist has to do.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:08 pm
by lionfish
I go for regular cleanings at six month intervals. At the end of six months, I usually have a build up of plaque and some lovely stained front teeth.

I am rigorous about cleaning.

cheap cleaning.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:55 pm
by payoki
I don't have insurance so I'm paying all cash for my braces but the good news is that my ortho charges me $20 for cleaning. isn't that nice of him... :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:22 pm
by Joual
At a consult, an ortho told me I should get cleanings every 4 months when I get braces. My dental insurance only covers 2 cleanings a year. I'm not sure how much the 3rd cleaning would cost.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:52 pm
by drazda
I also had my first cleaning and xrays today... first cleaning and xrays in over 10 years! Luckily, zero cavities. I was a bit disapointed with my cleaning though. My teeth don't feel or look any cleaner. :(

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:19 pm
by ingyandbert
One thing to remember about flossing is it's not just about getting between the teeth. You should also floss against the gumline in order to toughen your gums. That may explain the difference between what you're doing and what your dentist does with floss. If your gums bleed when the dentist does it, it's probably because you're only flossing between the teeth and not at the gumline.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:46 pm
by Flora2006
I just went for my cleaning today.

My hygienist, who I completely trust and like a lot said that because I have braces, it is important to come every 3-4 months.

She said that for some it's fine to come every 6 months but for those who've had gum problems (even very mild ones) should come more frequently because you don't want to get the braces off at the end with straight teeth but ugly and sick gums...

So 3 months isn't that bad. Your dentist and hygienist want you to have good oral hygiene so if they recommend cleanings every 3's because they think that's the best thing to do.

Having to pay yourself sucks...but it's better than having to later pay for perio treatments and such. I pay out of my own pockets for everything....ortho, check-ups (and whatever treatment/restoration i need), and cleanings...and I'm a university just have to deal with it sometimes. ;)

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:53 pm
by jcdamon3
I swear these dentists floss like there's no tomorrow. They hurt like crazy and dig in to my gums until it bleeds
This is happening because he has to get under the gumline to get the plaque out of there. The more you clean, the less he will have to do this. I know this firsthand as I used to not clean as well and I would come out of the dentists office with some pretty sore teeth and gums. It seems like he took a meat grinder to my gunline. Now my cleanings are a breeze. All it takes is to floss once a day (at night) and this problem will go away.

I would love to hear from someone regarding how expensive cleanings are with no insurance. I am just curious in case I am told that I have to go in every 3 months. My insurance only pays for every six months. So far no one has said anything to me about cleaning every 3 months and I haven't asked! :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:22 pm
by Flora2006
jcdamon3 wrote: I would love to hear from someone regarding how expensive cleanings are with no insurance. I am just curious in case I am told that I have to go in every 3 months. My insurance only pays for every six months. So far no one has said anything to me about cleaning every 3 months and I haven't asked! :lol:

The first time I went, I had to pay 165$ CAN for a one half unit of polishing, 3 units of scalings, and fluoride treatment.

Today I had my cleaning and payed 115$ CAN for 2 units of scaling and 1 unit of polishing.

I also get a 10% discount because I am a university student.

The price isn't that's money well spent anyways...

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:28 pm
by mackenzie
I feel guilty saying this but I floss about once a month and when I went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned they said what a nice job I was doing keeping everything clean & healthy even with braces. Doesn't that seem weird? I was worried about getting reprimanded for lack of flossing.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:29 pm
by Way Too Old For This
I'm bad about flossing also. I tried to be good at first, but I have slacked off to about once a week. I use the Waterpik though, and at my cleaning (6 months after getting braces) the hygenist told me to 'keep up the good work'. I had no placque or tarter build up and my gums were perfect, no bleeding at all even when she cleaned. I swear by the Waterpik.

JCDamon, my hygenist told me if I choose to come in at 3 months because of my braces, the cost would be $75.00. I'm sure the cost depends on how involved the cleaning is. My insurance pays for 2 a year.