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Question about getting braces put on...

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:45 am
by starryadora
Hi there! I am getting Damon 3's on 4/27 and am nervous but looking forward to it. I have a quick people normally go to work the next day after they first get their braces put on? I have really sensitive teeth and get chronic facial pain already, so I am thinking the first few days will be tough. Just wondering if I should take that day after off from work...Any advice? Thanks!

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:12 am
by starryadora
I think I am just going to play it by ear...I figure I will give them a heads up beforehand just in case though. Looking forward to it;) lol

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:13 am
by missingu
I had Damon 3s put on about a month ago. Having them put on was basically painless. The ortho said that if I was going to get soreness (I think that is a euphamism for pain!) it wouldn't set in for a few hours.

I never did have any "soreness" or pain. It was more like a sense of pressure in my mouth, but because Damons start on a very light wire and are self-ligating, the tension is generally less than with conventionals. I was able to go on with my day like usual; by evening it felt "different" but not incapacitating. I didn't take any ibuprofen or tylenol since they really didn't hurt.

Also, your teeth won't really start moving the first day - I actually was more aware of the pressure as the days progressed which was probably when the teeth were moving. Still, for me, nothing requiring meds.

I can only speak from my experience. I'd hate to lead you astray and have you wind up sick at work. If you have the time and leave at work, maybe you can "treat" yourself to a day off. All work needs to know is that you have a medical appointment (or whatever you tell them) - what you do with the rest of the day should be up to you. If you don't feel good, then you can rest, but if you still feel OK, maybe you can have a little fun to celebrate the braces.

Keep us posted.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:21 am
by starryadora
Thanks for the info about your experience with Damons...i think i will be fine...they seem so much easier than traditionals!

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:10 am
by JoeMama
Hi Starryadora, I had Damon 3s put on about 2 months ago. I'm a super-whimp when it comes to my teeth and I had the same thought about taking some time off. I ended up taking the afternoon off and going in the next day. For me, getting them on was a big deal and I didn't like them at all when I first got them. (and for the record, it wasn't because they were Damons, any braces would have been the same for me those first few days). But I also knew that going to work would not only help me think about something besides my teeth, it would also get the first day of "hey, you have braces" over with. Just keep a big bottle of Advil handy and give yourself the flexibility you mention. If you get too uncomfortable, you can always go home.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:24 am
by nimo
I found the best thing for me was to just try to go on like nothing had happened. Eating was the weirdest thing in the world, but you can't not eat for the next few months, so you might as well get used to it. As for pain, I am a total pain pansy!!! I have friends who made this whole process sound like the worst thing that I could ever do. But aside from some dull aches, and the occasional need for an ibuprofen, everything has been fine. Even my extractions went easily...I had a whole week off from work where I got to do nothing but lay around and read.
Sometimes people have really bad experiences, sometimes people have really good ones. Everyone is different.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:06 pm
by jennielee81

I suggest you take a coule of Tylenol before you go. I think, as most have said, the "pain" won't be evadent until about 24 hours later. I got mine on a Tuesday morning, I felt fine even ate chicken for dinner that night. The next morning I still felt great, but when I bit into anything it hurt. I couldn't even chew the fruit in yogurt :wink:

A lot of people have shared that same story here. As long as you're not biting down, you'll really not feel any discomfort. I think you'll be fine at work...but only you can make that judgement.

As for the brackets, you will feel them for about a week. Use wax. ANY tupe of bracket (except Opals which I have in front) are rough on the inside of your mouth. Though Damons aren't as rough as that 1/2 clear part is pretty smooth!

Take tylenol for any discomfort BEFORE it is too much to handle. THat is pain management advice for anything.

Best wishes to you and keep us posted!