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Damon 3's

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:37 am
by ~ Scott ~
Hey, I'm just wondering how new damon 3's are? I seen them on the internet while doing some research as I'm getting braces next month, and I can remember my ortho saying that she'll be using the 'latest technology' braces. So, I'm just thinking does she mean the damon 3's, as I think they look a lot better than the damon 2's and I'm curious to how many people here have damon 3's on.

Cheers for the feedback in advance.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:59 am
by Kazan
I have Damon 3s. Had them fitted here in the UK about 3 weeks ago. My orthodontists primarilyy uses these over, say, ceramics, because he thinks they work more quickly and cause less stress on the teeth. Who knows if the latter is true.

Interestingly he himself is currently wearing Damon 3s on his lower teeth so he must have some faith in the technology. I have found them fine once you get used to the feeling (and the initial sores) and they are certainly a lot better than the clunky train-track braces people used to wear. Cleaning is also not too bad. Now they dont bother me much at all.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:49 am
by JoeMama
Hi Scott - there was a recent thread about Damons you might want to check out named "the real deal with Damon". There was a lot of strong opinion about them, both good and bad.

I have Damon 3s and they're fine. I've never had regular braces, so I can't compare. They're easy to clean. You don't have to have the "ligs" changed. They'll just replace the wire when you're ready for the next phase, which varies from person to person from what I understand by reading this message board. I'm not sure they're actually any faster than other braces. But from what I'm told, the seem to work better for certain people. For instance I was able to avoid surgery and extractions with them. They tend to cost a little more. I've never had any problems with them and am happy with the progress I'm making. Good luck with your decision! :D

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:55 am
by jcdamon3

I am surprised your ortho didn't tell you straight out what kind of bracket he would be using. My ortho showed me the brackets on some model teeth.

I have them and like them. I think most of the people that have them are happy with them. I had quite a bit of soreness on the inside of my mouth at first, but now I can eat anything I want. I have never had anything "break" so far, knock on wood and very minimal soreness of my teeth. It is hard to even remember the first few weeks. I got my braces on and went on vacation the next week.

I don't think damon3 are the latest technology though. There are other brackets that ormco makes that are made with computer technology. They are supposed to be very fast. I think they are called insignia.

You will find that on this board you will find alot of controversy over whether it is the bracket that works well or the ortho that works well with the bracket. I think it is the patient, the ortho and the bracket.

Best of luck!

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:01 pm
by jennielee81
jcdamon3 wrote:I think it is the patient, the ortho and the bracket.
I think that's the key. No bracket works if the ortho doesn't know how to use them!! Also putting the patient into this mix, if the patient is not complient with the instructions, wearing elastics, not eating hard or sticky foods, there will be slower progress and equipment failure!

Also, almost everyone, here, who has Damons is very happy with them. My initial time was set at 24 months and at 10 months my ortho said I was "almost finished". I had my final wires installed at 11 months. My teeth and bite are beautiful. Nothing was sacraficed....yet I know somehow there will be controversy over this :(

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:45 pm
by ~ Scott ~
Thanks for all the replies, guys. :) I searched through a portion of the thread 'the real deal with damons', but I didn't bother to scan out parts about the damon 3's. :)

Yep, in regards to the model wit hthe brackets on them, she did show me this. However, I can't remember what they were because I wasn't really in the know-how of different brace types at the time of my last appointment! :oops:

I'll have to give the ortho a phone call and check on what braces will be used to put my mind to rest, hehe. :P

Again, thanks for the replies and I'm just hoping I'll be assigned damon 3's as they do look a heap better than the previous more 'metal' type ones. Either way, I'm happy to have the treatment, but at 17 I'm kind've 'meh' to the whole brace thing. 8)

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:53 pm
by missingu
You'll notice I didn't post. Wasn't about to start the uproar all over again.

Individual satisfaction is important, as well as ortho.

As my (new) ortho said:

"Put 10 orthodontists in a room with 1 patient and you will get 12 opinions about treatment."