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how close was estimate to actual time

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:33 am
by mmcdlab

I just discovered this bb, and did try searching to see if this has been posted before, so sorry if this is redundant.

I have visited 2 ortho's for initial consults. I have some crowding and an overbite, my teeth aren't extremely out of whack but there are definitely bite issues. I began this process b/c I felt some shifting of my teeth in the front, where I had one front tooth that crosses a bit over. Anyway, one ortho was gung ho on the Damon braces, and said my wisdom teeth (which are not impacted, just in like regular teeth) should come out and that I should expect 18 months in braces. The 2nd one said wisdom teeth are fine, leave 'em, and 12 months in braces, ceramic (clear) on top, regular on bottom (but not Damon).

My question is how long were you told you'd need braces on that initial consult, and how close is that to reality as far as you can see? I feel like I could handle 12 months in braces. If it's more like 18-24 then I am a bit hesitant...

Any info you have would be helpful on whether 12 months is realistic. I said to the guy, "are you telling me stories or would it really be 12 months?"

thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:57 am
by kirst1583
Hi and welcome to the board. It's a great place to come for support and advice so I hope you find everything you need here.
My estimate and actual time are way off (2 years estimated and 2yrs 10 mths for actual)...
But really I wouldn't let that worry you. The time flew by!!!

12 mths may be realistic for you. Many people have had their braces off in this time frame, I think my teeth were just real slow.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:51 am
by mtbrncofn
My estimate was 9-12 months and I'm right on target. I'll be getting mine off in a couple of days, and it'll have been just over 11 months.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:24 pm
by jennielee81

I had an 18-24 months estimate and I'm ahead of schedule even for the 18 month estimate.

My oldest son was about 3 months beyond his estimate of 24 months because he missed appointments, didn't wear his elastics etc...and my middle child (daughter) was exactly 24 months (followed all instructions to the letter) which was her estimate. My youngest has an estimate of 36 months and she's ahead of schedule with the same ortho as the other 2 kids. They have/had traditional brackets. I have Damon's and a different ortho.

You said you were concerned about having braces for more than 12 months? Well, I can tell you (and most people here would agree) that once they're in, that opinon changes. 12 months or 18 months isn't a big difference.

The initial discomfort both physically and socially is over in the first few weeks. Then it's just a down hill ride (for the most part IMHO)

Anyone else feel this way?

Best wishes to you!

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:57 pm
by jcdamon3
I have an 18-24 month estimate and would LOVE to have them off at 18 months. No, I would rather not have them an extra six months at all. I basically have my hopes up to get them off at 18 months. If it is 20 months I won't mind at all. If it is 24 I will be a bit disappointed.

I sort of asked at my last appointment if I was on track for 18 or 24 months and he said 18. I think it is hard to tell though. But I think once all the teeth are lined up and you get into the final phases things start to go quickly. I have had the damons on now for 8 months and I am still in phase 1 on the bottom and phase 2 on the top. There are a total of 4 phases. But like I said I don't think that each phase has a specific minimum time associated with it.

I had no extractions and no palate expansion that had to be done. I had one tooth turned almost 90 degrees on the bottom though which slowed things down significantly for me since they couldn't change wires until that was straight.

I should move to phase 2 on the bottom at the next adjustment.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:53 pm
by Joual
mmcdlab, I don't have braces on yet, but I had similar consults. I also have crowding and an overbite.

The first ortho I saw said remove wisdom teeth, about 2 years in braces, clear braces on all teeth(not sure if they were ceramic or Inspire).

The 2nd ortho said remove wisdoms, 25 months in braces with adjustments every 8 weeks, ceramic in front on top (and bottom front if I wanted), metal on the rest.

3rd ortho said keep wisdoms because they're all the way in and I can keep them clean, 20 months in braces with adjustments every 6 weeks, I think, and ceramic in front on top, metal on the rest.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:13 am
by michael33
I'm always afraid to ask, maybe in fear that it will be much longer than ecpected. So, if I don't ask, I'll be done sooner!


Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:11 pm
by mmcdlab
Thanks for all the encouraging responses, I appreciate it. I know it sounds silly but 12 months sounds a lot better to me than 18. Ya know?

Joual, what are you going to do? Sounds like you got 3 different suggestions?

I think it makes sense to keep the wisdom teeth if they are already in, and not causing problems, so I am not going to get them out unless something changes. I saw there's a bit of controversy re: the Damon type braces in terms of are they really better, faster etc. So I think I am fine with the ceramics on top and regular metal on bottom.

Will be back after I get going (May 1st for spacer appt and xrays pics etc, then May 8th for the braces on).

Thanks again!

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:49 pm
by Dark_angel
At the moment its impossible to tell how long ive got left. Im going to leave it untill i've had them for a year and then ask how long ive got left. I think that it wont make look so impatient.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:12 pm
by hannah164
Hi and welcome to the board! :-1

On April 28, I will have had my braces on for 2 years! I went to see my ortho yesterday and he was telling my sister that he thinks that if she wears her rubber bands she could be finished in 2 months! She's also had her braces on for 2 years and her estimate I believe was 18 months to 2 years but she hasn't been wearing her rubber bands which he said slowed down her treatment!

He looked at me and when my dad asked how much longer he thought for me, he sighed and said oh goodness I have no idea! :shock: Its not in the near future though! :? My estimate was 3-4 years and the way he was talking its not really even going to be close! :( But I have to admit that these 2 years have gone by pretty quickly and an 18-24 month sentence really isn't that bad! :wink:

~HAnnah :frogbraces:



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 6:13 pm
by braceface69
When I had my first meeting with my ortho he told me I'd have my expander in for 5mths, and then braces on for 1 1/2yrs. Well my expander came out after only 2mths and my braces come off in two weeks... I've only had them on for 10ths! If I were you I'd go and get them done, you will not regret it! I am so thankful that I did it. At first I wasn't sure because I'm 22 and I didn't like that I'd have the metal showing... but TRUST ME! It's worth it!

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 4:17 am
by mommy1
I was in a similar situation as you debating between different orthos and time frames. I consulted one for Invisalign, estimated between 6-8 months (!!!) or ceramic braces for an estimated 18 months or less.

Anyway, when I was told I had to be in braces for 18 months, I was shocked because my teeth and bite aren't even bad since I had braces before. He then told me that teeth should be moved gradually because bone can only grow, rebuild, and reshape itself so fast. If your teeth are moved too quickly, then the osteoclast/osteoblast activities of the teeth can't breakdown and rebuild the bone completely, and you could end up with quite a bit of bone loss. Bone loss = teeth falling out prematurely! He also mentioned that teeth have "memory" and if they aren't set in their correct alignment for a certain time frame, they most likely will move back into their original spot.

I definitely went with the 18 months ortho!...that's just my 2 cents:)

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:45 am
by momof2grlz
My initial estimate was 24 months. I asked the ortho in January (after 16 months) how things looked for finishing on time. He said 24 months is "too optimistic", so I don't know how much longer I have. I'm thinking it will be between 30 and 36 months before I'm finished.

I agree with the other posters, a few extra months really aren't a big deal. You get so used to the routine that after a few weeks, you really don't even think about having braces anymore. I don't think I would pick an ortho based solely on his time estimate. Find an ortho that you have confidence has thoroughly diagnosed your situation and has the knowledge and expertise to successfully treat you.


Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:04 am
by jay
I was told i would be in braces for 12 months and well i get them off in 3 weeks which will be 12 months exactly.