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Anybody with ceramics that wishes they got metal?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:19 am
by Nille
I had my 2nd consult today and REALLY liked the Dr. and the staff was great! He had braces as an adult and says if he had to do it again he would have gotten metal instead of ceramics. He said it doesn't really affect treatment time much but they are easier to work with and debond. He uses self ligating metals and with those adjustments are only about every 12 weeks but with the ceramics they are every 6-8 weeks. He made the point that braces are like a new car. In the first week everyone knows you have them and after that first week it's old news. It's not like people don't know you have braces. You can see them! Pretty much for him the metals are easier to work with. There is no extra charge for ceramics. Now I have to decide how vain I am and decide if I should forgo the ceramics. I am a stay at home mom so it's not like it wuold affect a job appearance. I only go out to shop, take babies to appts and visit friends and family and none of them will care! Any opinions would be greatly appreciated!

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:35 am
by Samantha08
I have ceramics on my top teeth and metal on the bottom. I dont really see a difference in treatment time, my teeth have moved wonderfully! I love my ceramics and most people think that I just have a retainer, or they dont even notice them at all. If you are worried about appearance, I would definitely go with ceramics. My ortho hasnt complained about having to deal with ceramics... I dont know why yours would. That seems kind of strange to me but oh well :) Good luck deciding! If you get ceramics I dont think you will regret it :)

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:39 am
by Flora2006
I have ceramics on top and wouldn't never go for metal on my top teeth. The shock of seeing myself in braces was bettee taken since the ceramics are less visible.

I am getting my lower metal braces put on in 18 days and I am dreading that day! I don't even want to think how I will look with metal !! lol

Good luck with your decision.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:33 am
by Nille
It's like KK said, he just seems very up front and honest. We had a discussion about why he hates Invisalign (I'm not intersted anyway because of the many bad things I've read about it.). He strongly urges against them because he has seen alot of problems with trays not fitting right in mid treatment and the like. He won't refuse them but just doesn't like them. He even told me that the invisalign company offers all kinds of incentives to him that wuld make him alot of money but he is not intersted because the end reslut is not good.

He said the only reason he used to charge extra for ceramics is because they were not as easy to work with but now they are the same price as the metals. He said the cost for him is the same. He said it is a personal choice and he will be happy to do whatever I want! I will probably still go with ceramics on top. I don't really want to look like I'm 13 again! LOL! I really do have a good feeling about this guy though because he seems so honest. Also because he gave me a 17% discount because he said I am an easy case and he would feel bad to charge me in full. Now I am waitng for the go ahead from my husband. Luckily they don't do impressions for their starting records and I don't have to have spacers because I don't have to have molar bands! That part was music to my ears!

Sorry if I'm rambling I'm just excited and ready to get started! (Am I crazy?!?!?)

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 2:29 pm
by KJM
Nille congrats on finding an ortho that you really like and trust! Woo Hoo!

I wanted ceramic and my ortho was more than happy to give them to me (he is currently in ceramics too!) but there was an extra charge of $500 for them. So I choose all metal ( I am a stay at home Mom to 3 kids so I felt a bit guilty spending that extra amount) I can honestly tell you that I am perfectly happy with the metal. If I could have gotten the ceramic for free in the beginning, I would have chosen them but if given the choice today I wouldn't change.

One thing to consider is that the ceramic brackets are larger than the metal ones. I have a smallish mouth (not according to my hubby though! LOL) and they probably would have been somewhat uncomfortable for me. I already "always" feel my braces now and they feel bulky to me. They are not painful, just make my mouth feel really full all the time. So in my case, it worked out for the best.

Good luck with your choice! You'll be happy no matter what it is! I hear all the time that people with ceramics LOVE them and people with metal LOVE them... I don't think either choice is a bad one so choose the one you feel happiest about and go for it!!

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:30 pm
by akabraces
I actually posted this same question about 3 months ago when I was trying to decide between metal and ceramic!

AND now that I've been braced for almost 2 months, I can say that I'm verrrrry happy with my metal. They are slightly smaller than ceramic and truly people either don't notice or they think they're cool/cute! I have had people say that now they want braces--and they aren't saying it to make me feel good. I thought I would be mortified to have metal, but I got very small brackets and they really don't attract attention in a bad way at all--actually they have attracted attention in a good way!

It has been soooo funny how some people don't even notice, as was already noted in this thread.

I haven't had any pain yet and my mouth does not feel full of metal. The first week it took some getting used to, but now I forget I even have them on. Everyone is different though...

I had the same choice you have--ceramics for no extra cost, and I'm very happy that I chose metal!

Good luck on your decision!


Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 8:24 am
by Betty Bat
On top, I have 10 sapphire brackets and 4 metal. On the bottom, I have all metal. When I look at the difference between the top and the bottom, I'm really glad that I have "non-metal" on top. But, this is a very subjective question and depends on your personality, occupation, what you look like, ...

I also think that the sapphires are a little easier for me than the metals. I had some problems with the metal Damons opening and closing and one that was replaced (that's in another topic on this board).

It also seems like I have more plaque build-up on the teeth with the Damons. This could be just because of which teeth have the metals (lowers vs. uppers) but I think there can also be some interaction with the metal bracket that causes more build-up.

Anyway, put me in the camp with those who are happy with the clear brackets and wouldn't change.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 9:17 am
by JoeMama
I wish I could have clear or ceramic braces. My situation made Damons the best choice, but if that weren't the case, I definitely would have done clear or ceramic, at least on top. My reason is just that I don't like to see my own "metal" smile. It just bugs me. And the funny thing is that I'm not concerned with other people seeing them, it's more for me. I get a little bummed out sometimes when I look in the mirror and think I've got to see all that metal for another 16 months...

I admire those who are full-metal and proud. I wish I could borrow some of their confidence!

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:01 pm
by missingu

Bear in mind there is "conventional" metal and "self-ligating" metal (Damons).

From what you described, the ortho's choice for metal is Damon's (self ligating meaning no ligs or wire ties, the wire just 'sits' in the bracket in one piece across the mouth). Metal is also used in conventional braces which uses ligs and ties, and requires adjustments the same frequency as ceramic because it is the same ligature methodology (wires or ties) as opposed to self-ligating.

Actually, for most people when they refer to metal braces, they are referring to conventional. Damons, which are made of metal (though do come in ceramic but I have never known any ortho to use them), are not typical of metal braces.

I agree with what others say - get what makes you feel best. Damons, when all goes well, do allow more time between adjustments but are all metal. Ceramics are a bit more subtle, but still the wire and maybe ligs are visible. Traditional metal are visible, but durable. Damons don't allow for color because there are no ligs, so if that is a priority (not for me but is for others) consider that too.

It's a big decision, but as others have said, in short order, you'll probably settle into whichever decision you make. And, stay-at-home moms have as hard or a harder job than those of us who work outside the home, so your job appearance may not be judged by others, but you deserve to feel your best on your job whether in the home or out!

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 9:24 pm
by dena
just to echo....

i agree it mostly depends on who you are as a person--i mean, everyone is different. i have clear on top and metal on bottom. my ortho recommended that, so i went with that. i was happy with that plan and i'm still really happy with it.

however, the braces are way less of a deal than i thought they'd be, so i could imagine metal on top not being a big deal either. now, as KK said, people often don't realize i have the braces at all because the clear are pretty discrete.

my overall thought is that if you are TOTALLY freaked out by having metal, don't do it. If it's a huge fear before, it may remain a problem for you afterwards. If cost is an issue, the metal are probably better. If you are unsure but like listening to your ortho (always a good idea!) then go with the metal.

overall, i'm sure you will find many people who are for and's a tough call. however, way less important than the fact that you'll soon have awesome teeth!

good luck

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 11:24 am
by gypsyinamorata
My ceramics were an extra $700, but I didn't want my braces to be that noticable. It's really funny, cuz I like the braces a lot and now sometimes I wish that I had gotten metal just because I like the look of braces. I know it sounds weird. I probably wouldn't like them for an entire year, so I don't regret getting ceramics.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 12:59 pm
by ingyandbert
To me, what it comes down to is this: Ceramics are bigger and require more office visits; metal are more noticeable to you and others. You have to decide which is more important to you and choose the type of braces on that basis.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:12 pm
by Teigyr
I have full metal and I like them. It is funny how many people don't even realize I have braces!! I got my braces last July, I met my boyfriend last August. He said he noticed them for about 5 minutes and now he tends to forget I even have them. (Except for when I eat spinach, of course.) We were at his parents house the other day and his mother asked when I got braces because she thought I just got them. It was funny, I had to tell her it's been for longer than I've known her! I even saw one of our supervisors the other day and he seemed to think I just got them.

Initially, I wanted ceramic but I was told it would increase my treatment time. I was soooo freaked out about metal and now I don't regret my decision at all.

One thing about both ceramics and am this way about the invisible braces too is that I notice them. It is almost like braces but not so I look at them even harder like "what is it on that persons teeth!" (sorry for those in ceramics, I think maybe I'm just a freak that way). When I see metal braces, I just think "oh, braces". When I see other things, I try to figure out what it is and I become fixated.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:46 pm
by Nille
Thanks for all the replies! I am leaning towards ceramics on top and metals on the bottom. I just don't want that to be the 1st thing people see when I talk to them! The main thing I worry about with ceramics is lig staining. I LOVE my coffee! I'm not sure I'm into color but who knows I might decide to give it a try at some point. I guess I could always ask for wire ties and not have to worry about it. The intersting thing is how different orthos work with ceramics. The 1st one I saw only does wire ties and specified "No color" on ceramics. I thought this was strange b/c if I'm paying him I should be able to get what I want! The 2nd said he will do color but they acted strange when I asked about wire ties. His assisstant said "Do you know how much those hurt?" But they will do them. A little extra pain is worth not walking around with yellow stained ligs, right?! I see another Ortho Tuesday so we'll see what he thinks!

Thanks again for all the help!

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 10:58 pm
by celiviel
I have ceramic uppers and metal lowers. I'm glad I went with the ceramics ($200 extra) at first because getting the braces was enough of a shock and having the ceramics helped ease that a bit. Now that they've been on for a while, I don't think I would mind having all metal.

And I wouldn't worry about lig staining, really. I have a lot of heavy stainers in my diet (Indian curry, mustard, coffee, tea, ketchup, you name it) and the only time I ever really notice staining is when the ortho has taken the old ligs off and I see them laying on the tray.

The clear ones that I started with looked a little dingy after four weeks, but you really had to be looking closely under bright lights to notice. Some colors resist staining better than the clear ones and are still barely noticeable. I switched ligs from my original clear ones to pink and now to blue, and unless I actually tell someone "hey, I have new colors!" nobody even notices.