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Wire ties rock

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:12 pm
by Geri
I am just back from my 6th or 7th appointment - I've lost track a bit. Well, I wanted to thank, deeply thank, the person/people who recommended getting wire ties to help with the staining problem with clear ligs. I haven't felt this good about my braces since the word go.

I decided I had to do something when I started a new job last Monday which meant I would actually have to leave the house and meet people (I teleworked before). Not that I have a problem with my braces (which I am actually quite fond of) generally - only when the clear ligs get stained and make my teeth look yellow. I am a big curry, coffee, tomato, mustard fan and couldn't give those foods up - although I tried.

When I brought the subject of wire ties up with my ortho she seemed a bit puzzled - but readily agreed when I explained what I wanted. (I have the best ortho - if you are in southern NH and need a name let me know). The assistant fitted them (no pain thankfully*) saying that she used to do wire ties in her previous job all the time. I got the impression they are a bit outdated or something. Anyway, woo hoo - I can eat what I like and my husband says they are almost unnoticable. Wire ties rock! :D

* actually there might have been pain but I was so knackered from my 2hr commute each way that I was almost asleep.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:17 pm
by Flora2006
Wire ties are great. I have ligs but I do have 1 wire tie and a lig on my canine to apply more pressure and the lig always stains a bit and the wire tie stay intact.

Good for you for asking and getting wire ties on all your brackets :)

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:31 pm
by Geri
Thanks Flora - I am so happy about I just had to share! :-*

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 6:28 am
by Geri
Great to hear from you KK. That's it exactly - I feel liberated!

It sounds like you are very well prepared for your appointment in May. There should be no way you have to put up with tooth-colored powerchains for much longer. Woo hooo! Hang in there for the next couple of weeks - not long now.

I hear what you say about brushing mid-meal and right afterwards to try to preserve the clear ligs....the final straw came for me after a meal of garlic cheese pasta with tomato sauce and champagne - trying to eat on my very back teeth only (and taking ages because of it) and toothpaste spoiling the taste of my champers. Never again! :D

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 6:37 am
by WiredNana
I have to's only a week, but I love the white wire ties she placed on my upper two teeth to accelerate movement.....was abit painful and I'm not sure if I can replace all my ligs with wire next time...will ask....
Are wire ties just for additional movement ?.....

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:11 pm
by Kell
I'm glad that you are so happy with wire ties. I have them too and will never go back to clear ligs. I only had the clear ligs for 6 weeks and it really was a pain to always worry about staining them.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 3:30 pm
by Geri
Hi WiredNana - I chose the wire ties purely for their anti-staining properties but they are also good for moving teeth (as I understand it) because they don't lose their strength over time as the plastic ones can. That's why they put wire ties on subborn teeth sometimes. The ties I have are not white-coated but it doesn't matter - you really can't see them because they seem to fit more snuggly in the groove in the ceramics than the plastic ligs do. If you are offered white wires ties then that must be even better - my ortho doesn't do them.

Thanks Kell - it such a huge relief, I had pizza for lunch and no worries about the tomato base - I hadn't even realized how much it was getting me down until now, when I no longer have to worry about it. I am big time happy and it's all down to the great people on this board - or else I would never have known to ask! :D :-** :-**

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:12 pm
by SapphireJen
Hi Geri,

I'm in the same boat as you! I had clear ligs for three weeks before I decided I did not want to look like I had yellow teeth anymore

I got silver wire ties on Thursday and agree with you - they are great so far. My husband says that they are hardly noticeable and to definitely stick with them for the rest of treatment.

I know they are supposed to apply slightly more pressure, but so I far I haven't felt any pain. I'm sure I'll be feeling something after my first adjustment in a few weeks!

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:27 pm
by nahky
I know exactly how you feel Geri, If it weren't for board, i wouldnt have asked for them, and for that im really grateful. Stained ligs are so icky and make the braces stand out even more, in a negative way. I remember my mum saying "Since youve had braces, your teeth ahve become yellow yeah?" lol.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:43 pm
by nimo
I think I would scream if my ortho used tooth-colored or clear ligs. One of the only things I like about living here is a Thai restaurant that my husband and I go to, and I always get red curry chicken. I refuse to give it up!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:16 pm
by Rebraced
Yes, I agree wire ties defintely rock. You just never have to worry about what you eat and they do help move things along a bit better. They may feel tighter than ligs but that is because they are. I have all wire ties and clear brackets. Takes a bit longer to change the wires but it's so worth it.