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Canker Sores or a Problem?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:57 pm
by Bracefaced
So I recently got my bottom arch bracketed/wired on Monday...
today I had a minor cankersoreish pain on the inside of my smile under my tounge but I figured it was some irratation from a saltine I ate earlier...

However I checked it out in the mirror a few minutes ago and there are 2 white round dots there!!! I'm freaking because they dont look like normal sores and I'm just hoping it has nothing to do with my roots!...

I'm going to the dentist tommorow to get my crown cemented back on but can anyone ease my mind and let me know if theyve had this before?


Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:08 pm
by Flora2006
I have no idea what a canker sore even really looks like since I've never had one so I can't help you on that.

I just wanted to say good luck tomorrow at your dental appointment and I hope it's nothing serious and that it will heal soon!

Good luck :)

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:56 pm
by rsprouse
From the fuzzy picture, those look like an abcess to me. Are you having any pain in that region? Any swelling? Any foul taste in your mouth? The only way to know for sure is to have a thorough clinical exam. The lesions are small, smooth and well circumscribed, all good things when dealing in the oral cavity.

Good Luck,

Thank you both for your replies!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:23 am
by Bracefaced
rsprouse: I looked up dental abscesses and I don’t seem to have any of the symptoms, but boy do these little white dots sure look like them!! :shock:

I don’t have any pain localized to the teeth near the dots other than the slight discomfort from the pressure of my wire, but every tooth connected has that discomfort. Also, the dots feel like canker sores. However, I don’t have any clue how I got them behind my teeth when the brackets are irritating my cheeks :?:
It would really suck if they were abscesses though, so I’m crossing my fingers!

Anywho, my 4:45 dental checkup couldn’t come quicker...
I guess I'll update everyone once I get news...

Flora2006: Thank you for the warm wishes!
You and I had treatment done almost at the same time!
My upper's went on Dec. 28 and lower's April 10 :D

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:54 am
by Samantha08
I've had those twice since I got my braces on. It's all actually been in the past month or so, and I had about 5 or 6 at once each time. I went to the doctor and he said it was some sort of viral infection (I doubt I could pronounce what he said, let alone spell it!! lol!) But anyway, he gave me a prescription for something called "Magic Mouthwash" that they had to mix together at a compounding pharmacy. They went away in about 4-5 days! You should definitely go to the doctor about it. Since the ulcer is on the inside of your mouth, it wasnt caused by braces rubbing up against the side of your mouth. But the most common cause of mouth ulcers is stress. I tried tons of stuff before to get them to go away, and nothing really worked. Good luck!!

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:42 pm
by Bracefaced
So I saw the dentist...
He said they are only canker sores caused by the stress from my new braces.
Advised me to stay away from acidic foods for the time being and use up the tried and true saltwater I am one happy camper that it was nothing serious :D

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:43 pm
by Bracefaced
So I saw the dentist...
He said they are only canker sores caused by the stress from my new braces.
Advised me to stay away from acidic foods for the time being and use up the tried and true saltwater I am one happy camper that it was nothing serious :D

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:42 pm
by Flora2006
Bracefaced - That is good news!! Not the pain and discomfort...but that its nothing too serious! :)

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:54 pm
by bracesmom
Bracefaced wrote:So I saw the dentist...
He said they are only canker sores caused by the stress from my new braces.
Advised me to stay away from acidic foods for the time being and use up the tried and true saltwater I am one happy camper that it was nothing serious :D
I got to your post a bit late, but I was going to state the same thing! I get them often and they look just like that. Sometimes they are white sores sometimes they ar long too and really hurt on the softer tissue. It can take many days for them to go away. If you put your finders in your mouth without washing them first it can cause sores. I was putting wax in my mouth and discovered this. It does help if your braces rub up against it to have wax because I woke up this morning and the hook from a bracket had CUT INTO my canker sore and was bleeding.

Take care