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Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:51 am
by braces4me
So I got my spacers in yesterday morning. All day yesterday and last night they did not bother me a bit, just felt like there was food stuck between my teeth. I didn't realize this morning how sore they are until I tried to eat some waffles. OMG, my teeth are so sore. I know everyone says this is the worst part and it only lasts for a few days. I guess I will be living off of soups for the next few days :cry:

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:56 am
by Dark_angel
Everyone hates spacers but there only in your mouth for a week or so. Try taking pain meds and sucking on ice cubes. You could always live on ben and jerrys :D

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 9:36 am
by blondie111
Yep, I got spacers 3 days ago, and I am fine until I eat something! I still can't really bite down on anything hard on my back teeth yet. I have been eating a lot of soup, yogurt, cottage cheese and Manwhichs for dinner! I guess it does get better, but still sore for me too!

Anything cold feels good on it. I also recommend ice cream! :twisted:

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:43 pm
by Iceolated
I have to agree with Blondie and Braces4me that spacers are not fun at all. I only got mine about 36 hours ago and already they are driving me insane.

Since I floss after every meal it is absolutely driving me nuts to have that food between the teeth 'sensation' knowing I cannot do anything about it.

Something I found interesting was they placed spacers in front of and behind my first molars on my upper jaw. Right side is a snug fit, however I have always had a LARGE gap between the first and seconds molar on my left side, so the spacer that was in that gap popped out this AM while brushing. I could feel it wasn't snug from the moment it was put in as the other three were a challenge for the ortho tech but this particular one slid right in.

When I say a large gap I do mean large. I often get chunks of food stuck in that area and am constantly flossing it. The gap is large enough that I could floss with string if I ran out of floss.

I am of two minds of whether to have one put back in or just let it go. I am in these spacers for another 17 days - opinions?



Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 1:21 pm
by demedja
Better to call the ortho and ask. Even though you are saying there's always been a space there, if the ortho saw it necessary to put a spacer there it probably means the space is not big enough to accommodate your braces. If I were you, I would not just let it go. What if when you go back to put your braces in they find that the space is still not big enough to fit them? Then they will have to put another spacer in and delay your braces for another couple weeks.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 7:45 pm
by Iceolated
If it's any help to the OP of this thread, my spacers seemed to have calmed down the last day or so and aren't as noticeable as before. Eating today was a lot less uncomfortable than yesterday.


I think I will just make a visit on Monday and have the spacer put back in. You make a very valid piont, after all one does pay a lot of money for the orhto's knowledge - perhaps best to let him/her lead the way.



Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 6:39 am
by braces4me
[quote="Iceolated"]If it's any help to the OP of this thread, my spacers seemed to have calmed down the last day or so and aren't as noticeable as before. Eating today was a lot less uncomfortable than yesterday.

My teeth seem to be a little bit better today. At least I have been able to eat foods with more consistantcy. They are still sore but not as bad as the first day.