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Sore Molars

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 12:13 am
by ashantia
Hi All-

I have been braced for a little under 2 weeks. I just got my spacers off on Monday and the molar bands put on. When I had the spacers in, the right side hurt a lot more so the little chewing I could do, I had to do on my left side.

Now with the bands on I cannot chew on the left side. I have an aching pain on the inside of the top molar so biting down is impossible. If I use my finger and push that same spot I feel the pain. If I am not chewing or anything I dont really feel anything. Is this normal? I am curious because it is a different pain from anything else going on in my mouth. I am still a little tender but mostly just my front teeth (it still feel like my teeth might pop out of my head if I bite into a sandwhich with my front teeth).

I asked my roommate who had braces and she said she didnt remember that kind of pain in her molars. I dont want to be one of those worriers but I dont want to sound like an idiot calling my ortho so soon if this is normal.

Thanks All!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 2:01 am
by Dark_angel
Just call your ortho it is possible you may have some food lodged there thats causing the pain and irritation.

My molars did get a little tender and at times i havent been able to eat but i'd call up and ask. Only your ortho will know.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 8:49 am
by Chris
Sounds normal to me. People who had braces in the past don't always remember the details of their discomfort and everyone's experience is different. Call and ask the ortho if you are unsure. Being a newbie in braces I think they expect the calls.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:04 am
by true_jaat
I am still a little tender but mostly just my front teeth (it still feel like my teeth might pop out of my head if I bite into a sandwhich with my front teeth).
Same thing happened to me and I can fully understand what you mean. Almost all my front teeth were very very loose for the first two weeks of braces but after a while it was fine.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:23 am
by Way Too Old For This
Sounds normal to me. I have had some teeth that were so tender I thought for sure there was something else going on like a cavity or something. Especially the teeth that are being rotated.

However, I would certainly bring it up to your Ortho to make sure.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 10:58 am
by ingyandbert
Yes, it's entirely normal. I've had the same experience off and on depending on which teeth are moving. When molars or premolars are moving, I definitely feel those same sensations. Don't let it freak you out. It will stop in time.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 11:04 am
by jcdamon3
I just had my 2nd molars hooked up to my archwire and I have a significant amount of pain too. I was almost ready to call the dentist because I was really worried. Mostly I was worried because the tooth that is hurting has a cap on it and I am worried about the root having issues. But I put it off for a few days and now the pain is slowly going away. I think for sure if it is only hurting when you exert pressure on it - it is fine. I would wait a few days. If the pain keeps getting worse and worse, then call. If it is getting slowly better, it is probably normal.

Calling never hurts either way. But whenever I "call" my dentist he wants me to come in and so he can take a look, this way he can bill the insurance :-)

Oh, the teeth there are also making that spooky cracking noise!


Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 12:39 pm
by ashantia
Thanks all!!! I feel a bit at ease that it doesnt seem to be getting worse. I will try and chew on it to see if its getting better though. If not, I will call him on Monday.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 1:16 pm
by Chris
ashantia wrote:Thanks all!!! I feel a bit at ease that it doesnt seem to be getting worse. I will try and chew on it to see if its getting better though. If not, I will call him on Monday.
I try to avoid chewing on the side where the tooth hurts real bad, give it a rest :wink: My upper back molar hurt so much that I thought I was going to end up with a root canal...BUT, it went away! :BigGrin: