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repairing a chipped tooth & braces

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:16 am
by objectinspace
Is it possible to do this procedure while wearing braces or do the brackets intefere?

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 2:36 pm
by akabraces
I actually have the same problem, 4 chipped teeth actually b/c of my bite, so I've been told to wait until AFTER i get the braces off, since my bite will be better then..but I don't know how large your chip is, etc.

Good luck!


Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:41 pm
by jennielee81
This happened to my daugher. Her front upper tooth was chipped before braces and she broke the bonding off during braces treatment.

The dentist who did the restoration said she'd need the bracket taken off (just that one) so that she could use the plain of the tooth to reshape the new bonding material.

We called the ortho about this and though he was willing to remove the bracket, he told us that she'd be out of the braces in about 6 weeks so with my daugher's agreement, we waited for her to be debonded and had our appointment with the dentist for the same day and she had the tooth fixed immediately after debonding...went well!